As technology becomes more and more ubiquitous in our lives, online learning is becoming an increasingly attractive option to students. However, many are still hesitant to make the change and that is perfectly reasonable! At Ontario Virtual School, it is our goal to provide an online learning experience that can benefit any student, but we recognize that online learning isn’t the right fit for everyone. In this blog, we’re going to explore the 10 types of students who we’ve found benefit most from self-directed online learning.
1. Students with Medical Issues or Concerns
A wide variety of medical issues can make it difficult for students to regularly attend classes at brick-and-mortar schools. It’s one thing to miss the occasional class for an appointment or a day or two for a seasonal flu or stomach bug, but for students with chronic medical issues, these missed classes can quickly add up. In some cases, students find themselves having to repeat entire grades. Online schooling can help to remove this barrier, allowing all students access to a quality education regardless of their physical ability.
Of course, given current social distancing measures, this concept is not limited to those with physical ailments, but can also be extended to those who are particularly vulnerable to the spread of illness. In uncertain times such as this, continuing to receive a well-rounded education online can help mitigate the downsides of social distancing requirements, benefiting concerned students and their families.
2. Students Who Are Heavily Involved in Extracurricular Activities
For students who are gifted in a particular extracurricular activity, it can be challenging to pursue that talent or skill seriously during their high school years. As with any high-level athletic or artistic pursuit, extensive practice is necessary, as well as games, competitions, tournaments or recitals, which can often conflict with the constraints of traditional academic schedules. With its nearly limitless flexibility, online learning allows students the ability to balance important academic study with the equally rewarding pursuit of extracurricular activities.
3. Students Suffering from Bullying
Despite continued efforts from school counsellors, the unfortunate reality remains that most bullying occurs in schools. Not only does bullying negatively impact the physical, mental, and emotional health of its victims, it can also negatively impact their grades and even discourage them from attending school altogether. With online learning, students can continue earning their high school diploma from the comfort and privacy of their own home.
4. Students Seeking Early Graduation
Students who have a history of academic excellence, or those identified as “Gifted Learners”, may feel under-stimulated by a regular course load. For these students, taking additional courses online can be a great way to keep them feeling challenged. It can also allow them to accelerate their high school journey and work towards early graduation.
5. Students Who Struggle with Certain Subjects
Students who struggle in particular subject areas can use online learning to their advantage to gain flexibility in their schedule. They may choose to tackle the difficult subject online to take advantage of unlimited replay of lesson content or extended timelines for completion, encouraging mastery of concepts before assessment. OR, they may choose to get an easier subject out of the way online to afford them additional time in their day school schedule. In either case, online learning allows students to approach difficult subjects in a way that builds confidence and ensures a more relaxed schedule.
6. Students Who Suffer from Anxiety
As a society, we are continually developing our understanding of mental health and its impact on the lives of young people. It is generally understood that many students who suffer from anxiety are triggered and exacerbated by factors in their day-to-day surroundings. For teenagers, the social stresses and rigorous academic expectations of the traditional school experience can be a huge contributing factor. In extreme cases of social or performance anxiety, some students find themselves unable to attend classes with their peers, particularly around peak-stress times, like finals. With online learning, students are afforded a much higher degree of flexibility over their schedule and surroundings, allowing them to care for themselves and their education.
7. Students Whose Families Spend Significant Time Abroad
In today’s interconnected world, many careers require frequent or extended international travel, which can be difficult for those with adolescent children. With OVS, parents whose work requires them to spend significant time abroad can keep their children close, while still keeping their education consistent. By travelling as a family, you can continue to enjoy quality family time, while reaping the cultural rewards travelling to new destinations affords. With fully online, self-paced courses and no designated ‘instructional hours’, OVS allows students to work towards a fully-accredited Ontario Diploma from home or abroad!
8. Students Pursuing Workplace Experience
In the later years of high school, many students begin exploring employment opportunities. Gaining early experience in the workforce can be extremely valuable, but this experience takes time and effort and with traditional schooling models, so much of the day is already dedicated towards school. This makes it extremely difficult to obtain a job, internship, or volunteer position that will afford tangible skills. With online learning, students have the flexibility to schedule their education around opportunities that will benefit them later on.
9. Students Seeking to Increase Their Technological Literacy
In today’s modern workforce, being comfortable and knowledgeable when it comes to using technology is a skill that is increasingly valuable to employers. When taking courses online, students are learning not only the curriculum-based content, but also how to navigate modern technology in a professional setting. E-learning teaches students how to learn new technologies, a skill which will benefit them both in post-secondary and in the workplaces of tomorrow.
10. Students Living Internationally but Pursuing Post-Secondary in Canada
At OVS, students are able to earn Ontario Secondary School credits from anywhere in the world. For international students, or Canadian citizens living abroad but planning to return to Canada for post-secondary study, this is a fantastic way to stay on track with academic studies, without having to prematurely uproot your family or pay exorbitant international fees for entrance to post-secondary institutions.
Online learning provides countless benefits that help a wide variety of learners. If you think online learning may be right for you, Ontario Virtual School offers more than 80 courses and provides all the tools you need to get the most out of your education, online!