Podcast S2 Ep 6. Goal Setting

A Brighter Future Podcast - OVS Podcast

In this episode of A Brighter Future, Powered by OVS, Alicia Cuzner and Dwayne Matthews will discuss what goals are, how to set goals, and the importance of goal setting for education. Listeners will learn about strategies and tools to set proper goals, and how to set long term and short term goals for school.

September 2022 Newsletter

September Newsletter Header

It’s that time of year again, fall has arrived and with it comes the start of a new school year. Perhaps you’ve gotten your class schedule but are unhappy with the courses you’re in? Maybe there wasn’t enough room in a class you really wanted to take or your school doesn’t offer a course that you need? Do you need to take an extra class because you’ve fallen behind in credits? If the answer is yes, OVS could be the solution for you.

Learning about Ontario Universities’ Application Centre


The Ontario University Application Centre is a not-for-profit centralized application service for students looking to apply to Ontario Universities. This program has application process for current high school students (including those attending online schools), mature students, as well as application for law school, medical school, rehabilitation sciences and teacher education.

Podcast S2 Ep 5. Math and Memory

A Brighter Future Podcast - OVS Podcast

In this episode of A Brighter Future, Powered by OVS, Alicia Cuzner and Dwayne Matthews will discuss the facts and research behind studying Mathematics and how Math memorization works. Listeners will learn about the statistics behind the EQAO testing in Ontario, and debate about the pros and cons of standardized testing. Dwayne will cover tips