Balancing Your Mental Health with Your Education

Mental health is a growing concern among students. While education is a priority for them, sometimes the work required to gain that education can place a strain on their mental health, which may already be strained for other reasons. Balancing your academics with your mental health is essential, not just for your health, but also for your education. Of course, this can be easier said than done. Here are three tips for establishing and maintaining this balance.

3 Tips to Help You Focus During Online Classes

Every student knows how easy it can be to become distracted during class. Whether it be talking to your classmates, doing unrelated activities on your smartphone, or even just falling into a daydream, we’ve all been there. Online classes share some of the same possible distractions as traditional schools, but also have their own new possible pitfalls, while avoiding some others. Many students and their families may be concerned with distractions during online classes, however, with a few tips, students may even find it easier to focus during online classes than during traditional school.

How Online Learning is Changing The Future of Education

Future of Education - Blog Header

As parents and families in 2023 look at their children’s education, one couldn’t blame them for being a bit bewildered at how different things have become in just the last few years. Education is a quickly changing and advancing field, and the school of today is not the school that parents and families may have expected.

March 2023 Newsletter

Spring 2023 Newsletter

With spring coming up fast, all of us here at OVS are looking forward to warmer weather and longer days. Along with sunnier skies, we are heading into crunch time for high school seniors applying to post-secondary programs. In this newsletter we’ll cover some important dates and information that all high school seniors should know.

8 Courses To Take In 2023 If You’re Interested In Journalism

2023: 8 Courses To Take If Your Interested In Journalism

If you are a high school student looking to have a future career in journalism, Ontario Virtual School offers several important classes that will not only prepare you for your post-secondary education, but also help to build a foundation of skills and knowledge that you’ll use in your future career.