Monthly Newsletters

Short on time, but still want to stay in-the-know? Our monthly newsletters give you all the most important updates so you can stay up-to-date year-round!

March 2023 Newsletter

Spring 2023 Newsletter

With spring coming up fast, all of us here at OVS are looking forward to warmer weather and longer days. Along with sunnier skies, we are heading into crunch time for high school seniors applying to post-secondary programs. In this newsletter we’ll cover some important dates and information that all high school seniors should know.

February 2023 Newsletter

February 2023 Newsletter Header (1)

In honour of Black History Month, we would like to highlight black authors who have written Young Adult books that we think our students would love. Next week, we will be posting a full list of unique books to considering reading, however this week we would like to highlight one in particular.

January 2023 Newsletter

January 2023 Newsletter Header (1)

We hope you enjoyed your winter break and are excited for the start of the new year! There are great new things happening at Ontario Virtual School and some important updates for students who are graduating this year. Read below for more information.

December 2022 Newsletter

As we come to the end of the year it is important to reflect on the exceptional year we’ve had. Our students have achieved a lot here at Ontario Virtual School, many have graduated and started attending top Universities and Colleges, both locally and abroad. While others are just starting their applications for the coming year. Whether you will be graduating soon or just starting out in your high school career, this has been an amazing year for all of us here at OVS.

November 2022 Newsletter

November Newsletter Header

Winter is here, and with it comes the busy midterm season. Many Grade 12 students have started their post-secondary applications and are working to get those midterms completed. Don’t worry, you still have plenty of time to get those grades in, so take a deep breath and make sure you find time to relax.

October 2022 Newsletter

October 2022 Newsletter

The new school year is well underway and most students are getting settled into their new routines. Fall is the season of change, so if you find that your new school routine isn’t working for you, there is still plenty of time to make adjustments. At OVS we offer continuous enrollment, which means you can sign up and start a course at any time. With our asynchronous format you won’t have to worry about missing anything, OVs has you covered.

September 2022 Newsletter

September Newsletter Header

It’s that time of year again, fall has arrived and with it comes the start of a new school year. Perhaps you’ve gotten your class schedule but are unhappy with the courses you’re in? Maybe there wasn’t enough room in a class you really wanted to take or your school doesn’t offer a course that you need? Do you need to take an extra class because you’ve fallen behind in credits? If the answer is yes, OVS could be the solution for you.

July 2022 Newsletter

July Newsletter Header

It’s the end of another school year and many students have graduated and are ready to leave high school behind. However, that doesn’t mean they plan to stop learning. OVS Graduates go to some of the top schools in Canada and this year is no different.

June 2022 Newsletter

June 2022 Newsletter Header

For senior students applying to post-secondary this year, the final dates for OUAC submission are fast approaching.
If you are a Group 1 student and still have outstanding work, you need to get it in as soon a possible and check in with you day school about the latest they can accept a report card for graduation purposes.

May 2022 Newsletter

May Newsletter Header

Graduation Graduation is right around the corner. Senior students need to be finishing up their courses and taking the necessary steps required for their post-secondary education. First, senior students at OVS will need to know which one of 3 groups they fall into:     Once you know which group you fall under there are

April 2022 Newsletter

April Newsletter Header

Midterm Season Is Upon Us The OUAC midterm collection period is fast approaching. High school seniors are hard a work getting grades in to apply to post-secondary institutions. At OVS, our students need to submit their required midterm work by APRIL 15th if they want to get their midterm submitted before the official last day

March 2022 Newsletter

Spring Newsletter Header

March may not bring it’s usual academic break this year, but we’ve got your mental health covered! Also, OUAC updates, spotlight opportunities, and more!

November 2021 Newsletter

OUAC collection

Halloween treats have been handed out, but for high school seniors, we’ve still got some tricks up our sleeves – tricks and tips for post-secondary research and applications, that is!

October 2021 Newsletter

October brings with it the season of post-secondary research and applications for senior students! The month’s newsletter has plenty of information to help you make informed decisions.

August 2021 Newsletter

It’s not too late to register for summer school – complete that all-important last credit to meet your conditional offer or get a head start on your next year’s courses! Complete a course in as little as 21 days.