Blog Posts

OVS posts helpful blogs on a variety of topics to help you make the most of your high school career! Check back regularly for new postings.

Understanding Business and Finance: High School Courses to Help You Succeed

Understanding Business and Finance High School Courses to Help You Succeed (1)

Whether your interested in a career in business or finance, starting your own company or brand, or just want to get a better understanding of how to navigate your own finances, there are many courses you can take at the high school level to help you learn about the world of business and finance.
At OVS, we have several courses at different grade levels that students can take to help in all different areas of the business world.

Balancing Academics and Athletics

Balancing Academics and Athletics (1)

One of the most difficult parts of being a young athlete is finding the balance between athletics and academics. With all the time spent practicing or at games and events, not to mention the travelling and logistics, it can be tough to find enough time to dedicate to your academic life. Here at Ontario Virtual School, we have many student athletes, and we’re dedicated to supporting them

Podcast S4 Ep 1. Ai Vs. Machine Learning & Toronto Metropolitan University

A Brighter Future Podcast - OVS Podcast

In this episode, podcast host and Ontario Virtual School teacher Alicia Cuzner explains the difference between machine learning and artificial intelligence, diving into their current applications, potential future developments, and how they may appear at schools. The episode also includes a Post Secondary School Spotlight with Toronto Metropolitan University (TMU), offering a look at their

Benefits to Hybrid Online Learning

Benefits to Hybrid Online Learning

In the last several years, many students have adopted a hybrid approach to their high school education. This means that while they still attend a traditional physical school for at least some of their courses, they also take some courses through online schooling options. Students and families who are not familiar with this model may be surprised, but there are many reasons students decide to turn to online schooling, while still attending a regular physical school.

4 Tips for Test Taking

Many students dread test day, and it’s easy to understand why. Tests are important, and students may feel that they just aren’t good at “test taking.” Test anxiety can indeed be a significant challenge, but it doesn’t have to be overwhelming. With a few tips, students can ease their anxiety and make writing a test much less intimidating.

Master the Art of Essay Writing: 5 Tips to Boost Your Skills

Master the Art of Essay Writing 5 Tips to Boost Your Skills

For some students, the word “essay” brings to mind the most feared and hated form of schoolwork. Essay anxiety is very common, and it is easy to understand why students may be apprehensive about writing one. by keeping a few easy tips in mind, students can better understand why essays are helpful, enhance their essay-writing skills, and soon come to find essays are not as scary as they seem, but can actually be simple.

The Role of Parents and Families in Online Schooling

The Role of Parents and Families in Online Schooling Header

As online learning continues to grow in popularity, more students and families are choosing this form of education. However, many families might be unsure of the role they can play in online learning. One of the main advantages of online learning is that parents can be more involved in the learning process. At the same time, online learning provides a valuable opportunity for students to learn and practice independence. These two aspects don’t have be contradictory; in fact, they can complement each other, depending on how parents and families engage in the process.

University Scholarship Applications for 2024-2025

2024-2025 Scholarship Opportunities

For students applying to university next year, it’s important to focus no only on university applications and senior courses, but also the financial cost of attending. University tuition costs are at an all-time high, which means many students struggle with the financial burdens of post-secondary education. However, opportunities exist to lighten this load through scholarships, bursaries, and other grants from both government-funded and privately funded programs.

2024 High School Graduation Requirements

This year, there have been some fundamental changes to the graduation requirements for students who are just entering Grade 9. So, while students who entered high school last year will still be working off the original graduation requirements, new students have a different set of criteria they need to meet.

In order to help parents and students navigate these changes, this article breaks down these new and previous requirements.

Student Spotlight: Olympic Gold Medalist Summer McIntosh

At OVS, we pride ourselves on providing a flexible education for students around the world. By allowing students to schedule their education around their lives, they have more free time to pursue their dreams.
Summer McIntosh has been an OVS student since 2020. She has been steadily working through her high school courses while simultaneously dedicating her time and effort towards her training schedule.

OVS in China 2024

OVS in China

This past spring, several members of our team travelled to China to both solidify our existing partnerships as well as expand and connect with future partner programs.

Ontario College Pathways: Journalism

Ontario College Pathways: Journalism

Journalism today looks very different than it has in the past. While newspapers and journals are still printed, they are also available online, easily within reach. However, with modern technology, it can also be difficult for people to sort out fact from fiction and find reliable and accurate information.

How OVS helps High-Perfomance Student Athletes

Many young student athletes find that their academic life interferes with their ability to pursue their sporting careers. Here at Ontario Virtual School, we have heard this from many of our students who previously attended brick and mortar schools, and we are glad that they found us, a school that was able to accommodate them and allow them to pursue their dreams.

Podcast S3 Ep 4. Adapting to School

A Brighter Future Podcast - OVS Podcast

In today’s podcast, Ms. Cuzner will be looking at ways to successfully adapt to education changes, mandatory online classes, and adapt to new technology and innovations. Different ways to be a successful student will be explored, and three new Tools for your Toolbelt will be discussed. This episode includes a Student Spotlight with International OVS

The OVS Podcast – A Brighter Future, Powered by OVS

Brighter Future Podcast Blog Header

Ontario Virtual School wanted a place for our teachers to share learning strategies and tools for students. All the OVS podcast episodes are still relevant today. These episodes are within 20 to 60 minutes in length and offer handy tips for improving your learning.

Ontario Virtual School on TikTok

Ontario Virtual School on TikTok - Header

Students are using social media platforms, especially TikTok, as a source for homework help and education support. TikTok is unique in that it allows educators to share knowledge in new and creative ways.

Ontario College Pathways: Engineering

Ontario College Pathways: Engineering - Header

Engineering is an ever growing and incredibly popular field of study. Those who enjoy looking at the world around them and trying to figure out the mechanics behind how things work will feel particularly drawn to it. Engineering has several different branches to it, allowing students a wide variety of focused disciplines to choose from.