Blog Posts

OVS posts helpful blogs on a variety of topics to help you make the most of your high school career! Check back regularly for new postings.

Looking Forward to Summer: Part III

Part III: The Ultimate Bucket List for a Productive Summer before University Summer break is amazing and great and everything fun, but all too often it breezes by without us having really accomplished anything. To make sure you avoid that end-of-summertime sadness, OVS is here with the ultimate bucket list to make your Summer 2K19

Looking Forward to Summer 2019: Part II

Part II: Resume writing for high school students: How to capitalize on the skills you already have! With summer break just around the corner, hundreds of businesses are on the lookout for interns and seasonal hires, and a lack of experience is no reason for you to miss out on all those valuable real-world skills!

Looking Forward to Summer 2019: Part I

Part I: 5 ways to get ahead this summer!   Summer is fast approaching, and while you’re probably not running short of ideas for how to spend your two months of hard-earned freedom, it’s worth noting that summer break is also a great time to get ahead, both in your studies and in life!  Here

Creating the Optimal Workspace for Online Learning

One of the things our students love most about our platform is that it allows them to complete their studies from anywhere – well, anywhere that has an internet connection, that is! The flexibility online learning allows for is far and away its best feature, but is studying from just anywhere really the most productive?

5 Tips For Avoiding Senioritis

This is it. The stress of applying to schools and submitting midterms is over. You’ve chosen your path for the fall and you’re ready for summer to just get here already! It’s a time of relief and celebration – and it’s also prime season for senioritis. Senioritis is the toxic mindset born out of boredom,

Why online schooling makes sense

Online schooling is completely different from traditional schooling and offers its own set of benefits. Students can receive a high quality education, flexible schedules, integrated technology, connections with teachers and friends online and best of all, students are given the opportunity to thrive. Online schools are built on a platform that is based on an

Benefits of Upgrading High School Marks with OVS

Academic upgrading is not a new concept in the field of education to high school or mature students. In fact, statistics obtained from the Ministry of Education’s website point to an upward trend of thousands of students returning for extra semesters for that sole purpose. Students may complete upgrade courses to improve their marks for various reasons,

What Makes OVS the Right Choice for High School Students?

Ontario Virtual School is an online secondary school that offers different courses that ultimately lead to a secondary school diploma in Ontario. Students can access their courses from anywhere in the world and can register for their online courses at any time of the day or night. Many courses can be completed in 4 weeks,