Blog Posts

OVS posts helpful blogs on a variety of topics to help you make the most of your high school career! Check back regularly for new postings.

Podcast S3 Ep 3. End of Semester Tips

A Brighter Future Podcast - OVS Podcast

In this episode of A Brighter Future, Powered by OVS, Alicia Cuzner will discuss how to prepare themselves for the end of the year, and the end of the semester. Listeners will learn about strategies and tools studying and planning for exams and projects. This podcast also includes an interview with OVS’s Vice Principal, Ms.

6 Tips for Studying During the 2023 Holiday Season

6 Tips for Studying During the 2023 Holiday Season

With the winter break approaching many students are gearing up for holiday celebrations with their families and friends. However, a break from daily grind of school or work can also be an important time to catch up on course work or prepare for final exams and tests that occur after the winter break.

As OUAC applications are due January 15th, students can also use this upcoming winter break to make sure they have the courses they need for their application or to quickly get a midterm or even a final report card in a course with OVS.

Courses Commonly Required for Undergraduate University Admissions

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For students in Grade 11 and 12, it’s important to start planning ahead to your post-secondary applications when it comes to selecting your courses. Unlike Grade 9 and 10, where the majority of your courses are compulsory subjects, Grade 11 and 12 offers far more elective options and choice. It can be daunting to try and select courses both based on the subjects you find interesting and the courses you’ll need to have in order to apply to the post-secondary school of your choice.

Understanding 2023 Graduation Requirements for Ontario Students

Understanding 2023 Graduation Requirements Blog Header

For parents and students alike, it can be hard to keep track of the changes and understand clearly everything that’s required to not only graduate with an Ontario Secondary School Diploma but also apply to university or college.

In this blog, we’ll take an overall look at requirements for earning your OSSD so that you have a clear view on everything you or your child will need to know about completing high school.

OVS 2023 Middle School Program

2023 Middle School Blog Header

While originally starting out as a high school program, OVS has been making steady progress on branching out into Middle School programming, so that more students have access to an online education.

Whether you continue into high school courses with OVS or you decide to attend another high school, these five subjects in both Grade 7 and 8 are the core building blocks for creating a foundation of knowledge that students will use to be successful in high school.

Understanding the New 2023 OUAC Undergraduate Application

OUAC October 2023 Blog Header

This year, the Ontario University Application Centre (OUAC) is changing their application methods. Where previously 101 and 105 students were required to submit different applications, instead everyone will be applying under the OUAC Undergraduate Application. As part of this process, students no longer require PIN letters to be issued by their school. Instead, students are

Podcast S3 Ep 2. Thinking Skills

A Brighter Future Podcast - OVS Podcast

In this episode of A Brighter Future, Powered by OVS, Alicia Cuzner will discuss what thinking skills are, and how to develop metacognition skills in school. Listeners will learn about strategies and tools for problem solving and making connection. This podcast also includes a Student Spotlight with one of our OVS students, Nathan.

How OVS Helps Competitive Athletes Get an Education

How OVS Helps Competitive Athletes Get an Education

With Ontario Virtual School, students can customize their courses and learning to fit their needs, while also earning the Ontario Secondary School Diploma, which they can then use to apply to college and universities, not just within Canada, but internationally as well.

6 Courses To Take If You’re Interested in Communication Studies

Communications Technology Blog

Communication Studies is exactly what it sounds like, the study of human communication and behavior. Students majoring in Communications Studies will learn about effective forms of communication across multiple digital and analogue platforms and gain an understanding of how communication is affected through social, economic, political, and cultural lenses.

Reaching Ahead with 2023 Summer Courses

With the school year coming to an end and summer fast approaching, many students are starting to consider their summer plans. While summer is a great time to rest and relax, it can also be a good time to catch up on missed courses or reach ahead to take courses for the next school year.

Podcast S3 Ep 1. Effective Communication Skills

A Brighter Future Podcast - OVS Podcast

In this episode of A Brighter Future, Powered by OVS, Alicia Cuzner will discuss what communication skills are, and how to better our communication skills in school. Listeners will learn about strategies and tools for communicating, both verbally and written. This podcast also includes a Student Spotlight with one of our OVS students, Paula.  

OVS at the 2023 RVHEA Conference

RVHEA Conference Images

The RVHEA Conference is held annually, this year taking place at Kanata Baptist Church in Ottawa. At the conference, parents and student can connect with other homeschooler to learn and seek advice from one another. As well, there are seminars discussing topics regarding issues and questions homeschooled parents and students face.

6 Steps for Making an Effective Study Plan

6 Steps for Making an Effective Study Plan

Making an effective study plan can be a very useful tool for any student, but with the increased independence that comes with online learning, a study plan can be even more helpful. This is not only because more independence means more personal responsibility, but because students can have more individualized study plans that suit their particular needs. But making these plans can be tricky, especially if you’ve never done it before. Here are six steps you can use to get you started.

How OVS Can Help Ontario Students in 2024 Meet The New Graduation Requirement

The Government of Ontario recently announced a new requirement for students who wish to earn an Ontario Secondary School Diploma. Any new requirement is sure to be something that students and their families will worry about, including students currently enrolled in Ontario Virtual School, or who may be thinking about enrolling in the near future. However, OVS can help to make this new requirement a seamless process for any student.