Blog Posts

OVS posts helpful blogs on a variety of topics to help you make the most of your high school career! Check back regularly for new postings.

How OVS Keeps Students Engaged with Online Learning

Student Engagement in Online Learning

Student engagement is a major priority for schools and teachers. It’s also a priority for students, even if they don’t realize it, as students would prefer being engaged at school, rather than bored. While traditional schools and online schools both have their own strengths and weaknesses regarding student engagement, the nature of online schooling does allow some unique methods, tools, and general advantages to increase student engagement in ways that some people may not have considered.

Balancing Your Mental Health with Your Education

Mental health is a growing concern among students. While education is a priority for them, sometimes the work required to gain that education can place a strain on their mental health, which may already be strained for other reasons. Balancing your academics with your mental health is essential, not just for your health, but also for your education. Of course, this can be easier said than done. Here are three tips for establishing and maintaining this balance.

3 Tips to Help You Focus During Online Classes

Every student knows how easy it can be to become distracted during class. Whether it be talking to your classmates, doing unrelated activities on your smartphone, or even just falling into a daydream, we’ve all been there. Online classes share some of the same possible distractions as traditional schools, but also have their own new possible pitfalls, while avoiding some others. Many students and their families may be concerned with distractions during online classes, however, with a few tips, students may even find it easier to focus during online classes than during traditional school.

How Online Learning is Changing The Future of Education

Future of Education - Blog Header

As parents and families in 2023 look at their children’s education, one couldn’t blame them for being a bit bewildered at how different things have become in just the last few years. Education is a quickly changing and advancing field, and the school of today is not the school that parents and families may have expected.

8 Courses To Take In 2023 If You’re Interested In Journalism

2023: 8 Courses To Take If Your Interested In Journalism

If you are a high school student looking to have a future career in journalism, Ontario Virtual School offers several important classes that will not only prepare you for your post-secondary education, but also help to build a foundation of skills and knowledge that you’ll use in your future career.

2023 Black History Month: Celebrating YA Authors

Black History Month Celebration of YA Authors

In honour of Black History Month we decided to take a look at some of our favourite Young Adult books written by black authors. These writers and their stories tell exceptional contemporary and fantasy stories that we’re sure our student’s will love.

A 2023 Guide: Understanding OSSD Requirements and Pathways

OSSD Pathway Blog

For those unfamiliar with the Ontario Secondary School Diploma, it can be hard to figure out which courses you need to take, how many, and to understand what pathways will lead you to the future that you want. At OVS, we want to make sure all our students understand their options and make the choices that are right for their educational goals.

6 Reasons You Should Choose OVS For Online Courses

6 Reasons You Should Choose OVS Blog

More and more students are turning to online learning over traditional schooling. There are several online school options for student, from public schools, the private sector, or even a combination of the two. It can be hard to students to pick the school that is right for them. Here are several reasons why OVS is one of the top online schools to help you with your online education.

Getting Your Community Service Hours

Community Service Blog Header

Part of being a senior high school student in Ontario is making sure that you have met all the requirements for graduation. This include completing your required courses as well as the Ontario Literacy test or course. However, there is another requirement for graduation students will need to complete before they receive their diploma and that is their Community Service hours.

Applying to University in 2023 as an OUAC 105 Student

OUAC 105

The problem comes in when you are no longer in high school. You can still apply to universities through OUAC but the system works much differently and there isn’t always a lot of support for students. At Ontario Virtual School we do our best to support and guide every student, both through their courses and the application process. In this blog, we’ll discuss what it means to be an OUAC 105 student and how the application process works.

7 Easy Steps to Help You Prepare for Exams

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As the holiday season comes to an end and schools are opening back up, students are now heading into their exam season. Students have to worry about studying on top of finishing other course work, partaking in extra curriculars, and for seniors, submitting their post-secondary applications if they haven’t done so already. With so much going on, it’s not surprising students would struggle to keep up and find themselves stressed out. For those students who are worried about getting ready for exams, here are several helpful steps to help you prepare.

How Online Learning Can Help with Anxiety

Online School Can Help with Anxiety Header

For many young students, anxiety around school and social situations is a very real issue. Though brick-and-mortar schools do their best to accommodate students with anxiety, it isn’t always easy. With a classroom full of other students who also need their attention and consideration, it can be hard for teachers to support all their students. However, online schools like OVS, do a lot to help students lessen their anxiety and be successful in their courses.

3 Tips for Studying During the Holidays

The holidays are a time for celebration, relaxation, and spending time with loved ones. However, for students, it can also be a time to catch up on studying and prepare for upcoming exams. While it may be tempting to put off studying until the new year, taking the time to review material and stay on top of your coursework can pay off in the long run. Here are some tips to help keep you on track this holiday season.

Podcast S2 Ep 8. How to Take Notes

A Brighter Future Podcast - OVS Podcast

In this episode of A Brighter Future, Powered by OVS, Alicia Cuzner and Dwayne Matthews will discuss different note taking strategies and how they are effective. Listeners will learn about strategies and tools for taking notes, and how to take notes for different subjects. This podcast also includes a Post Secondary Spotlight on the University

How OVS Can Help You Reach Your Goals

How OVS Can Help You Reach Your Goals Header

At Ontario Virtual School, we are committed to helping all students reach their goals. Whether you are looking to get an OSSD and enter the workforce or if you plan on going forward to a post-secondary program, we can help you get there.

3 Ways OVS Can Help Home-School Students

3 Ways OVS Can Help Homeschool Header

There are many reasons why students might want to find alternative learning environments outside of regular school programs. Some students need to work full-time or are training to become competitive athletes. Others have learning or mental health difficulties that being in regular school just can’t accommodate. While yet other students might just prefer learning at their own pace. Whatever the reason, studying from home is a choice that many students and parents want, and Ontario Virtual School can help make that happen.

4 Study Tips to Help You Prepare for Tests

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Writing tests can be anxiety inducing for many students. In fact, it can be hard to even begin the process of preparing for a test when you’re not sure how to start. In this blog we’ll look at four simple tips to help you get ready for your upcoming test.

Podcast S2 Ep 7. Successful Student

A Brighter Future Podcast - OVS Podcast

In this episode of A Brighter Future, Powered by OVS, Alicia Cuzner and Dwayne Matthews will discuss what success is, what a successful student looks like, and how to become a successful student. Listeners will learn about strategies and tools to become a successful student, and the importance of identity. This podcast also includes a