Blog Posts

OVS posts helpful blogs on a variety of topics to help you make the most of your high school career! Check back regularly for new postings.

New Ontario e-Learning Requirement

New Ontario eLearning Requirement

With the ever-growing presence of technology in all aspects of our lives, it comes as no surprise that it is becoming part of our education system. While there have previously been online learning options for those students who desire it, online learning is now becoming a requirement for graduating high school in Ontario.

5 Post-Secondary Branches You Should Consider

5 Post-Secondary Branches Header

High school is a time when people really start to think about their future. This can be stressful, especially if you’re not sure what career path you desire. At Ontario Virtual School, we do our best to help all of our students choose the path and courses that work best for them. In this article we’ll list 5 potential post-secondary pathways that you can take, and the courses that will help you along the way.

Understanding De-Streaming

De-Streaming Grade 9 Courses

Previously, Ontario students were forced to pick an academic stream from the moment they started high school. They had to make a choice between taking Academic courses, which would allow them to take University credits later on, or Applied courses, which would send them on a path to college courses for their grade 11 and

Podcast S2 Ep 6. Goal Setting

A Brighter Future Podcast - OVS Podcast

In this episode of A Brighter Future, Powered by OVS, Alicia Cuzner and Dwayne Matthews will discuss what goals are, how to set goals, and the importance of goal setting for education. Listeners will learn about strategies and tools to set proper goals, and how to set long term and short term goals for school.

Learning about Ontario Universities’ Application Centre


The Ontario University Application Centre is a not-for-profit centralized application service for students looking to apply to Ontario Universities. This program has application process for current high school students (including those attending online schools), mature students, as well as application for law school, medical school, rehabilitation sciences and teacher education.

Podcast S2 Ep 5. Math and Memory

A Brighter Future Podcast - OVS Podcast

In this episode of A Brighter Future, Powered by OVS, Alicia Cuzner and Dwayne Matthews will discuss the facts and research behind studying Mathematics and how Math memorization works. Listeners will learn about the statistics behind the EQAO testing in Ontario, and debate about the pros and cons of standardized testing. Dwayne will cover tips

Podcast S2 Ep 4. Online VS In Person Learning

A Brighter Future Podcast - OVS Podcast

In this episode of Brighter Future, Powered by OVS, Alicia Cuzner and Dwayne Matthews will discuss the pros and cons of online learning. Listeners will learn about the symbiotic relationship that online and in-person learning has, and what they believe is the future to education. Dwayne will cover some ideas regarding online risk mitigation, and

Ontario Virtual School Hosts Teacher Candidates

Ontario Virtual Schools Hosts Teacher Candidates

Learning is a life long process and the children who will be the future of tomorrow are shaped by the teachers they have growing up. That’s why having smart and capable teachers is essential for the future of any society.
Part of becoming a teacher is academic, going to university, studying, and learning the material that will be applied to their work. But one of the most important parts of becoming a teacher is gaining hands-on experience in the classroom. This is why university programs require their students to complete placements programs along side their classroom learning.

4 Ways OVS Can Help International Students

4 Ways OVS Helps International Students

There are many benefits to taking courses with OVS, whether you’re a local or international student. Our flexible online platform allows students to study at their own pace and get the courses they need quickly. However, for international students we offer many benefits over traditional study models. 

Immersion française

Il y a de nombreux avantages à être capable de parler plus d’une langue. Tout d’abord, l’apprentissage d’une autre langue donne aux élèves la possibilité de découvrir d’autres cultures, contribue à développer leurs capacités générales de réflexion critique et créative, et leur enseigne les compétences nécessaires pour se plonger dans le monde globalisé. De plus, le fait d’être bilingue peut donner aux gens un avantage sur le marché du travail, rendant leur curriculum vitae plus compétitif que celui d’une personne qui ne parle pas une autre langue.

Learn French Immersion

French Immersion

There are many benefits to being able to speak more than one language. First, learning another language provides students with the chance to learn about other cultures, helps to develop their overall critical and creative thinking abilities, and teaches them necessary skills for delving into the globalized world. As well, being bilingual can give people a leg up in the job market, making their resumes more competitive than someone who doesn’t speak another language.

Podcast S2 Ep 3. Behind the Research in Education

A Brighter Future Podcast - OVS Podcast

In this episode, Alicia Cuzner and Dwayne Matthews discuss the research behind IEP meeting experiences, optimal learning environments, and inclusive learning. Our hosts debate the significance of a safe space when learning, and whether or not online learning can help create an optimal learning environment. Alicia unpacks what should be expected in an IEP meeting,

Pathways in Natural Sciences: A Closer Look

Pathways in Natural Sciences A Closer Look Header

Summer is here, but that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t be thinking about your child’s academic strategy for the coming school year. Whether you decide on traditional learning, or a hybridized curriculum that utilizes the flexibility and approachability of e-Learning, Ontario Virtual School is here to help keep students on track.

How OVS Helps Prepare Students for Business School

How OVS Helps Prepare Students for Business School

Canada’s reputation as a leader in business education is growing. In 2020, three Canadian schools graced Bloomberg’s top 100: The Rotman School of Management (University of Toronto), the Ivey Business School (University of Western Ontario), and the Desautels Faculty of Management (McGill University).

Podcast S2 Ep 2. Accommodations Vs. Modification

A Brighter Future Podcast - OVS Podcast

In this episode, Alicia Cuzner and Dwayne Matthews will discuss the difference between accommodation and modification at school. Our hosts will unpack what counts as an accommodation, and how we all accommodate ourselves every day. Listen to learn about what a modified curriculum is, and how it can impact your education journey. This episode also

Creative Courses to Liven Up Your Summer

Creative Courses to Liven Up Your Summer

During the school year there is a heavy emphasis put on core subjects like Math, Science, and English. While in some ways this focus benefits many students, it can leave those who are more inclined towards the arts struggling to find time for the courses they enjoy.