Blog Posts

OVS posts helpful blogs on a variety of topics to help you make the most of your high school career! Check back regularly for new postings.

Podcast Ep 4. Mood and Mindset

A Brighter Future Podcast - OVS Podcast

In this episode we will talk behaviour, mood, and mindset. Emotions often dictate our behaviour, and we explore strategies to observe ourselves and change our behaviour. A key area we explore is mindfulness, and tools we can apply to our lives to be mindful.  

OVS Presents: 5 Online Learning Myths — Debunked

OVS Presents 5 Online Learning Myths Debunked - Feature 1

As more research is being performed into how students learn, we are discovering that some students are able to take control of their learning journey and can process information in an online environment better than others. Across Canada, schools are developing hybrid or stand-alone online programs, while other institutions are dedicated solely to providing world-class

Unsure of what you want to do beyond high school?

What to do after high school?

For some students, deciding what they want to do beyond high school is a simple matter. Maybe they already discovered their particular passion and are working hard towards their goals. However, for many students, figuring out what to do after graduation is quite a difficult task. Asking someone to make decisions for adulthood before they

How eLearning Prepares Students for Remote Education in University

How eLearning in High School - Feature Image

Even before COVID-19 sent everyone back home to study, universities were planning a large-scale pivot to online learning. These plans have been thrown into overdrive as the pandemic continues to change the way people approach work and education. Increasingly, universities are releasing programs either entirely online, or supplementing conventional programs with eLearning elements. Learning remotely

Introducing our newest educational partner the Nordic Hockey Academy

NHA Feature Image

At OVS we strive to create lasting and constructive partnerships with many entities worldwide. We serve as an educational partner for several international programs and athletic associations to help students all over the world achieve academic success. We are happy to introduce one of our newest athletic partners, the Nordic Hockey Academy, which was originally

Three Ways OVS can help Grade 12 students reach their post-secondary goals

Three Ways OVS can help Grade 12 students reach their post-secondary goals

As students move through Grade 12, they are also faced with beginning their journey into post-secondary education, completing applications for enrollment and scholarships. At this time, many students may worry about reaching their post-secondary goals. For those students, Ontario Virtual School is here to help.     Access to increased course selection As students approach

Why 2022 is the year to enroll in OVS


As many students, or families of students, are aware, things have been very hectic in the world of education for the last few years. With advances in technology, as well as changes in society, the classroom of 2022 has many changes compared to the classroom of 2012, and even the classroom of 2021! Here at

Podcast Ep 2. Sleep, Memory, and Learning

A Brighter Future Podcast - OVS Podcast

In this episode we will break down how the brain works, and why sleep is so important. We will discuss the types of memory, and how sleep impacts memory. Learning and memorization can be difficult for some, so we share some tips and tricks to unlock your learning abilities.

The Benefits of Taking Math Courses Online

The Benefits of Taking Math Courses Online

Many people are still skeptical about the effectiveness of taking courses online. Of course, as with in-person learning, there are pros and cons to virtual school. Additionally, because learning is not one size fits all, it may not work for every student to take courses online. However, many students have found online learning to be

Adults Can Finish Their High School Diploma Virtually

Adults in Ontario Can Finish Their High School Diploma Virtually

There are plenty of reasons why someone may not have been able to finish their high school diploma. In fact, in 2016, 14% of Canadians over the age of 25 reported that their education level was below high school graduation. Having a high school diploma can open many personal and professional doors for Canadians and

Podcast Ep 1. How Online Learning Can Help Mental Health

A Brighter Future Podcast - OVS Podcast

In this episode we will discuss how virtual learning has actually been beneficial for some students and their mental health. This includes talking about bullying, microaggressions, racism, general anxiety students face and how through online learning, there has been a drop in this.  

OVS meets the needs of diverse learners, including students with an IEP

Student Success OVS

Every student is different. Here at Ontario Virtual School, this is one of our guiding philosophies. Since OVS is a school built from the ground up for online learning, and all of our courses, lessons, and assignments are designed around the online format, this actually allows a variety of benefits which allow us to better

Why Virtual School is a Good Option for Mature Students

Mature students at OVS

There are plenty of reasons why someone may have to leave high school before graduating. However, having a high school diploma is very beneficial and can open many personal and professional doors in a person’s life. A diploma allows students to pursue post-secondary education and secure more stable and better-paying employment. It also sets the