Blog Posts

OVS posts helpful blogs on a variety of topics to help you make the most of your high school career! Check back regularly for new postings.

A Beginner’s Guide to Learning at OVS

Despite the recent focus on e-learning, many families still aren’t sure what to expect when they sign up at an online school. In this post, we provide a quick overview of what you can expect when learning through OVS!

Post-Secondary Pathway Series: Business

Are you a leader? Do you have an edge for marketing? In this installment of our Post-Secondary Pathway series, we discuss the high school courses future Business majors should be taking, as well as potential post-secondary programs, institutions and careers paths you might explore!

What Is Reach Ahead and How Does It Work?

Reach Ahead is a fantastic opportunity for grade 8 students, but it’s one that many parents and students simply aren’t aware of! In this week’s blog post, we tackle to 5WH’s of reaching ahead with OVS.

10 Tips for Studying Smarter, Not Harder

Studying is an essential part of education, but many of the strategies students use are counter-intuitive. To help you increase your effectiveness when studying, we’ve put together this quick-start guide!