
Podcast S4 Ep 1. Ai Vs. Machine Learning & Toronto Metropolitan University

A Brighter Future Podcast - OVS Podcast

In this episode, podcast host and Ontario Virtual School teacher Alicia Cuzner explains the difference between machine learning and artificial intelligence, diving into their current applications, potential future developments, and how they may appear at schools. The episode also includes a Post Secondary School Spotlight with Toronto Metropolitan University (TMU), offering a look at their

Podcast S3 Ep 4. Adapting to School

A Brighter Future Podcast - OVS Podcast

In today’s podcast, Ms. Cuzner will be looking at ways to successfully adapt to education changes, mandatory online classes, and adapt to new technology and innovations. Different ways to be a successful student will be explored, and three new Tools for your Toolbelt will be discussed. This episode includes a Student Spotlight with International OVS

Podcast S3 Ep 3. End of Semester Tips

A Brighter Future Podcast - OVS Podcast

In this episode of A Brighter Future, Powered by OVS, Alicia Cuzner will discuss how to prepare themselves for the end of the year, and the end of the semester. Listeners will learn about strategies and tools studying and planning for exams and projects. This podcast also includes an interview with OVS’s Vice Principal, Ms.

Podcast S3 Ep 2. Thinking Skills

A Brighter Future Podcast - OVS Podcast

In this episode of A Brighter Future, Powered by OVS, Alicia Cuzner will discuss what thinking skills are, and how to develop metacognition skills in school. Listeners will learn about strategies and tools for problem solving and making connection. This podcast also includes a Student Spotlight with one of our OVS students, Nathan.

Podcast S3 Ep 1. Effective Communication Skills

A Brighter Future Podcast - OVS Podcast

In this episode of A Brighter Future, Powered by OVS, Alicia Cuzner will discuss what communication skills are, and how to better our communication skills in school. Listeners will learn about strategies and tools for communicating, both verbally and written. This podcast also includes a Student Spotlight with one of our OVS students, Paula.  

Podcast S2 Ep 8. How to Take Notes

A Brighter Future Podcast - OVS Podcast

In this episode of A Brighter Future, Powered by OVS, Alicia Cuzner and Dwayne Matthews will discuss different note taking strategies and how they are effective. Listeners will learn about strategies and tools for taking notes, and how to take notes for different subjects. This podcast also includes a Post Secondary Spotlight on the University

Podcast S2 Ep 7. Successful Student

A Brighter Future Podcast - OVS Podcast

In this episode of A Brighter Future, Powered by OVS, Alicia Cuzner and Dwayne Matthews will discuss what success is, what a successful student looks like, and how to become a successful student. Listeners will learn about strategies and tools to become a successful student, and the importance of identity. This podcast also includes a

Podcast S2 Ep 6. Goal Setting

A Brighter Future Podcast - OVS Podcast

In this episode of A Brighter Future, Powered by OVS, Alicia Cuzner and Dwayne Matthews will discuss what goals are, how to set goals, and the importance of goal setting for education. Listeners will learn about strategies and tools to set proper goals, and how to set long term and short term goals for school.

Podcast S2 Ep 5. Math and Memory

A Brighter Future Podcast - OVS Podcast

In this episode of A Brighter Future, Powered by OVS, Alicia Cuzner and Dwayne Matthews will discuss the facts and research behind studying Mathematics and how Math memorization works. Listeners will learn about the statistics behind the EQAO testing in Ontario, and debate about the pros and cons of standardized testing. Dwayne will cover tips

Podcast S2 Ep 4. Online VS In Person Learning

A Brighter Future Podcast - OVS Podcast

In this episode of Brighter Future, Powered by OVS, Alicia Cuzner and Dwayne Matthews will discuss the pros and cons of online learning. Listeners will learn about the symbiotic relationship that online and in-person learning has, and what they believe is the future to education. Dwayne will cover some ideas regarding online risk mitigation, and

Podcast S2 Ep 3. Behind the Research in Education

A Brighter Future Podcast - OVS Podcast

In this episode, Alicia Cuzner and Dwayne Matthews discuss the research behind IEP meeting experiences, optimal learning environments, and inclusive learning. Our hosts debate the significance of a safe space when learning, and whether or not online learning can help create an optimal learning environment. Alicia unpacks what should be expected in an IEP meeting,

Podcast S2 Ep 2. Accommodations Vs. Modification

A Brighter Future Podcast - OVS Podcast

In this episode, Alicia Cuzner and Dwayne Matthews will discuss the difference between accommodation and modification at school. Our hosts will unpack what counts as an accommodation, and how we all accommodate ourselves every day. Listen to learn about what a modified curriculum is, and how it can impact your education journey. This episode also

Podcast S2 Ep 1. What is an IEP?

A Brighter Future Podcast - OVS Podcast

In this episode Alicia Cuzner and Dwayne Matthews will discuss what an IEP is, and the misconceptions behind IEPs. Our hosts unpack the challenges behind getting an IEP made, as well as the stigmas behind IEPs and learning disabilities. Listen to find our more about what an IEP is, and how everyone should have one.

Podcast Ep 4. Mood and Mindset

A Brighter Future Podcast - OVS Podcast

In this episode we will talk behaviour, mood, and mindset. Emotions often dictate our behaviour, and we explore strategies to observe ourselves and change our behaviour. A key area we explore is mindfulness, and tools we can apply to our lives to be mindful.  

Podcast Ep 2. Sleep, Memory, and Learning

A Brighter Future Podcast - OVS Podcast

In this episode we will break down how the brain works, and why sleep is so important. We will discuss the types of memory, and how sleep impacts memory. Learning and memorization can be difficult for some, so we share some tips and tricks to unlock your learning abilities.

Podcast Ep 1. How Online Learning Can Help Mental Health

A Brighter Future Podcast - OVS Podcast

In this episode we will discuss how virtual learning has actually been beneficial for some students and their mental health. This includes talking about bullying, microaggressions, racism, general anxiety students face and how through online learning, there has been a drop in this.