Every student’s learning style is unique. As education experts have grown to accept this fact, we have seen an increasing number of schools practicing a wider variety of educational approaches. This diversification has provided students and families with more options, allowing them to find a method that truly works. Schools like City High School and Ontario Virtual School have long histories of delivering these kinds of unique educational experiences to help students reach their full potential. And now, OVS and City High School are teaming up to combine their exclusive skill-sets to provide students with even more opportunities.
What City High School Offers
City High School is located in the heart of downtown Toronto. This premium campus location affords an immersive experience of Canadian life! Something that is particularly beneficial for the large number of students who come from around the world to attend this school. By delivering experiential opportunities for active learning, City High School promotes character building and student development. Their specialized extracurricular programs offer students invaluable opportunities to explore and define their interests outside the classroom.
Partnering with OVS
City High School first learned about Ontario Virtual School when they realized that many of their existing students had found success taking certain courses with OVS – with excellent feedback for this fully online model. At Ontario Virtual School, students are not confined by a timetable, allowing them greater control over their own education. And, with pre-recorded multimedia lessons that take full advantage of evolving e-learning technologies to allow students to learn from anywhere in the world, OVS seemed the perfect choice for an online cross-continental partner.
“Most of our prospective students are Chinese. The different style of teaching in China made them less proactive in [traditional Canadian] class, so [OVS’s] method that has teachers guide using videos and slides seemed suitable for them.”
What OVS Offers City HS Students
In teaming up with Ontario Virtual School, City High School is able to provide unique, hybrid educational opportunities to not only its local students, but also those still living abroad. As a fully online school, OVS acts as a facilitator for City High School students in China as they work through the Ontario curriculum content. And, with the ability to design their own schedules and access courses from anywhere with an internet connection, a student’s location has no impact on their ability to earn a fully accredited Ontario Secondary School Diploma.
“OVS provides our students the experience of a Canadian classroom without coming to Canada, and they can have flexible schedules to learn, which is hard for regular schools.”
The fruits of this partnership are already evident, with lots of positive feedback from students who have graduated from this joint program. OVS and City High School look forward to continuing our combined efforts to allow students from around the world to earn a quality education suited to their unique needs.