Grade 6

Grade 6
Grade 6 Core French image

FRA6G, Grade 6 Core French

Grade 6 Core French provides students with the opportunity to use their previous knowledge and apply new vocabulary and writing conventions to explore topics related to the social studies curriculum by exploring topics in French Canadian history.

Courses Type: Middle School Prerequisite: None
Course Outline $399
Grade 6 Language image

LAN6G, Grade 6 Language

This course teaches students language knowledge, skills, and strategies and their ability to use them independently and effectively to understand, reflect on, apply, and communicate information and ideas, and for continued learning in school and in a multicultural, multimedia world.

Courses Type: Middle School Prerequisite: None
Course Outline $399
Grade 6 Math image

MAT6G, Grade 6 Math

Grade 6 Math is designed to help students acquire a positive attitude towards mathematics, as they learn a variety of skills that will help them become capable and confident math learners.

Courses Type: Middle School Prerequisite: None
Course Outline $399
Grade 6 Social Studies image

SOC6G, Grade 6 Social Studies

In Grade 6 social studies, students will explore the experiences and perspectives of diverse communities in historical and contemporary Canada, including First Nations, MĂ©tis, Inuit, and settler/newcomer communities.

Courses Type: Middle School Prerequisite: None
Course Outline $399