With the end of the calendar year approaching, it’s time to reflect on the year that has past, while also looking forward to what’s ahead.
OVS has had a record number of enrollments this past year, as more students are looking to find alternatives to traditional schooling. Our courses allow students a flexible learning options in order to complete courses quickly. So, if you still need a course to be completed before the end of the school semester, or you need to sign up for a course for your university or college applications, with OVS you can start or continue working on courses throughout the holiday season.
Year in Review
As we approach 2024, it’s important to take a step back and acknowledge everything that has been accomplished this year.
OVS has continued to grow and expand throughout 2023, providing an accessible, quality education to more students than ever before.
This is our year in review:

OUAC Updates and Deadlines

For students who are graduating this year and applying to university, it’s important to know the deadlines for submitting documents through the Ontario University Application Centre. Especially, since OUAC applications are a little different this year and you no longer need a PIN from your school to start the application process.
For more information on the new OUAC application and how to create an account please check out our blog.
Here are the important upcoming dates for the 2023-2024 OUAC submissions.
- January 15th: The deadline for all current Ontario high school students to submit their completed applications to the OUAC.
- February 22nd: Target date for Ontario universities to receive all final grades available for 4U/M courses and current full-year grades for 4U/M courses from the OUAC.
- May 2nd: Target date for Ontario universities to receive all midterm or final grades available for 4U/M courses and interim grades for full-year courses from the OUAC.
- July 11th: Target date for the OUAC to send all remaining final grades to the Ontario universities.
To ensure your records are submitted, make sure to add OVS as one of the schools you’re attending in your Academic Background/Information section of your OUAC account. Also, when requesting midterm and final grades, you need to check off that you’re an Undergraduate applicant, so we know to send your grades when we process them.
OCAS Updates and Deadlines

For Grade 12 students who are applying to college for next year, many of you will be submitting applications through the Ontario College Application Service (OCAS). While there are general deadlines through OCAS, each college will have specific deadlines for their programs, so you’ll need to take a look at your college’s website for more information.
Here are the important upcoming dates for the 2023-2024 OCAS submissions.
- February 1st: The deadline for applying to highly competitive programs. Applications received and paid for on or before this date will be given equal consideration by the colleges.
- February 16th: The deadline for first semester final marks and currently enrolled second semester courses.
- April 26th: The deadlines for second semester midterm marks. For non-semestered schools.
- July 5th: The deadline for all final marks and proof of graduation, regardless of the scheduling model.
In order for OVS to send your grades to OCAS, we need to know your OCAS Account Number. When requesting midterms and final grades from OVS, you can input this number into the form, which let’s our staff know to submit your records to OCAS.
Study Tips for the Holidays

With the winter break approaching many students are gearing up for holiday celebrations with their families and friends. However, a break from daily grind of school or work can also be an important time to catch up on course work or prepare for final exams and tests that occur after the winter break.
As OUAC applications are due January 15th, students can also use this upcoming winter break to make sure they have the courses they need for their application or to quickly get a midterm or even a final report card in a course with OVS.
However, making time for assignments and studying during the holidays isn’t easy, check out this blog for study tips to help keep you on track with your studies this holiday season.

From all of us at OVS, we’re wishing you a
happily holiday season!