Our whole world has changed – impacting education forever. But that’s not necessarily a bad thing. In fact, technology and worldwide events have come together as a catalyst for remote and e-learning in Canada. It’s the way of the future!
Just as businesses have transitioned to a work-from-home model, e-learning will continue to grow and evolve, allowing virtual classrooms will flourish. And students who are ready to pivot and learn online will be ready to adapt to meet the challenges ahead.
Virtual education allows online providers to offer students many advantages that regular brick-and-mortar classrooms cannot – but not all e-learning providers are the same. As a parent, it is up to you to do your homework before choosing a school for your child.
Established providers, like Ontario Virtual School (OVS), offer fresh approaches for student success and learning. OVS is an online private high school, offering OSSD credits for not only Ontario students, but students across the country and even internationally. This school has been growing steadily for more than a decade, with accredited teachers, administrators, and guidance counsellors all working together to ensure that students get the best educational experience possible.
What’s so great about virtual education?
There are many benefits of e-learning, but first and foremost it’s the commitment to students. Everyone learns differently, and schools that offer asynchronous or “on demand” learning create more flexibility for students to work toward their goals at their own pace. No one’s locked into a nine-to-three schedule. Some of us do our best work in the early morning, while others will happily work late into the evening. For students with demanding extra-curriculars or part-time employment, online learning can take the stress out of scheduling, while still ensuring teachers are there when you need them.
What’s more, the costs associated with traditional day schools can prevent them from delivering a greater selection of courses. This is not the case with online providers. For example, OVS is able to offer over 120 OSSD-certified courses in everything from French language, to STEM, to Photography. So, if you’re a student looking for a broader range of courses to choose from, or rolling enrollment when a class is full (Hello, Grade 12 University English!), virtual education offers an excellent alternative.
But it’s not just about the curriculum and the credits! E-learning teaches students valuable skills like digital literacy and time management, which are crucial for success in the working world.
Finally, during the pandemic, many folks have recognized, and become accustomed to, the convenience of working from home. This flexibility is perfect for students overseas or those looking to better prepare themselves for high school or update their credits. The ability to log in anytime – from anywhere in the world – removes a major barrier to education.
How you can help your child succeed
As a parent, you want the best for your child. A good place to start is to sit down and help your child prepare for a future that aligns with their goals. Then, you can begin the search for an e-learning provider that best supports those needs.
In today’s world, it’s important to encourage learning at all stages of life, and to keep learning, so no one is left behind. By connecting them with accessible education, you afford your child a head start on the road to a fulfilling profession. In turn, this allows them to make the most of their talents, interests, and natural abilities.
Why choose OVS?
OVS is a leader in the e-learning space: OVS has been an established, Ministry-inspected Canadian institution for more than 10 years. We help more than 8000 students earn credits each year! Plus, more than 96% of our graduating students gain acceptance into top-ranking universities.
Students get exceptional support: Added support is available for students to learn differently at their own pace. OVS provides flexible learning tailored to different needs. It’s a great solution for students who are unable to attend traditional high school. Plus, smaller class sizes at OVS provide the same level of education as traditional schools.
Education is tailored to students’ needs: OVS offers more than 120 courses for Grades 9 through 12. Our focus is on delivering high-quality course materials and assignments. This isn’t an open-the-book-and-follow-along method. Lessons are engaging with continuous teacher support.
Superior quality of teaching: Delivering thoughtful, quality education to students doesn’t happen overnight. Effective e-learning requires training and expertise, and OVS has spent years developing programs to customize the learning process. Discussions with teachers are also encouraged, with daily office hours for immediate support.