Even before COVID-19 sent everyone back home to study, universities were planning a large-scale pivot to online learning. These plans have been thrown into overdrive as the pandemic continues to change the way people approach work and education. Increasingly, universities are releasing programs either entirely online, or supplementing conventional programs with eLearning elements. Learning remotely provides a whole slew of advantages to the modern student — safety from infectious disease least among them. eLearning also provides students with a way to approach their studies in a holistic way. Instead of being forced to sacrifice their work and interests to their full-time studies, students can follow their own schedule, freeing their time up for work or extracurricular activities without feeling overwhelmed. For Canadian students seeking to enter university, pursuing a program from an established virtual high school in Ontario such as OVS can be a great way to build a sound university application while also developing vital eLearning skills.
Test the Waters for Distance Learning
University-level education is a very different learning experience than high school. There’s a major emphasis on self-directed learning, where students take charge of their own learning strategies. Passively listening to lectures is not going to lead to success. Students are expected to take an active role in their education; they are expected to perform independent research more intensely than they are in high school — another skill that students often find themselves poorly equipped to handle. This is going to be the case whether you attend a physical university, pursue a hybrid model, or are working remotely throughout your entire degree. Many post-secondary programs allow you to progress at your own pace, but taking advantage of this will require high levels of organization and an understanding of your own preferred learning strategies.
When studying no longer requires students to physically attend lessons, they need to be much more cognizant of their time management and initiative skills. A virtual high school can be an amazing introduction to these remote learning skills and students can also build familiarity with vital digital skills that they’ll be using long after graduation as they enter the workforce.
With the right lectures, teaching acumen, and support services, students have a higher chance of making it into university. At OVS, we’re proud to report that 96% of our graduates are accepted to top universities.
Foundational Skills Pay the Bills
The best way to see how eLearning prepares you for distance education in university is to jump right in. Our core program offers every major credit required for application into a top university.
If you’re thinking about entering the sciences, then SCH4U or Grade 12 Chemistry is going to be essential. In this course, students work to develop a deeper understanding of chemistry, particularly in the communication of scientific data.
In higher education, you’ll be presenting results of scientific studies, as well as engaging with the existing academic literature in your subject. Being able to quickly, effectively and accurately read, analyze, and present scientific data is a critical skill, and establishing a foundational understanding at this stage in your studies will truly set you apart from your peers.
Similarly, in MCR3U or Grade 11 Functions you’ll add mathematical functions to your skill set, further deepening your experience with linear and quadratic equations. More importantly, you’ll learn how to apply mathematical reasoning to complex, multi stage problems, another vital skill applicable to mathematics at all levels.
How Online Learning Can Set You Up for Success
OVS is an expert educational institution, with over a decade’s experience delivering world class online learning. We have put a lot of time and energy into developing the best possible eLearning platform. OVS has also put a lot of thought into how people learn, and have numerous resources to help students master the shift to eLearning. This article on how to maximize your productivity when working remotely is just one of many such resources meant to help students measure and master their own behaviours and tendencies as well as the course work.
The eLearning skills you develop in high school are directly transferable to post-secondary study and provide a foundation that will last forever. In university, students are expected to manage their own schedules and develop effective learning strategies to keep ahead of their studies — and that’s precisely what we teach at OVS.
One vital skill you’ll need to master in order to be successful while studying remotely in university is intelligent goal setting. You’ll learn how to set your own deadlines and then work toward meeting them, setting reminders and rewards along the way. At OVS, you’ll also have a dedicated student success team that will regularly check in to help you stay on track.
These skills also prepare students to juggle multiple responsibilities, such as working part time during study. University students risk burning out rapidly unless they have the skills to integrate their educational needs into the rest of their activities.
Online Learning Unlocks Higher Education
Students are no longer bound by physical attendance at university, instead being able to learn wherever they have an Internet connection. This can be a great experience, allowing for far more flexibility and freedom. However, the rigours of university study cannot be overstated, and a familiarity with the core mechanics of eLearning is essential to truly succeed. Also, the soft skills taught by pursuing an online education at a virtual high school are critical for success — both when studying remotely for a post-secondary degree and in the workplace after graduation.