July 2024 Newsletter

As we are almost midway through the summer, many students are already starting to prepare for the post-secondary program, or for the start of a new school year. For these students, there is still time to fit in a summer school course either to get ahead for the next school year, or to ensure that they can attend their post-secondary programs this fall.

University Offers

Ontario University Offer Header

Are you a recent graduate but you unfortunately didn’t receive an offer for the university you applied to? Or did you not apply to university for September but have now changed your mind and are looking for still open programs?

Don’t worry, it’s not too late! There are still many open programs that you can apply to in order to attend university in the fall or winter.

OVS can help you find open programs at a wide variety of schools. Make an appointment with one of our qualified counsellors to discuss your options!

Guidance QR

Meeting Conditional Offers

Did you receive a conditional offer for a university program but have unfortunately not met the requirement with your grades? Don’t panic, there is still time to meet your requirements.

Most university programs allow students to take summer courses to try and improve their marks and meet the requirements ahead of fall enrollment. For most universities, they require students to have completed their summer course on or around August 15th, but it does vary school to school, so make sure to check in with your university about their deadlines.

Now, if it’s the overall Grade Point Average that has fallen short of your university offer, you have a couple of options. You can retake a course you’ve already completed as an Upgrade Course. Alternatively, you can take a new course to try and boost your grade.

Here are some easy courses we recommend that are helpful grade boosters:

Grade 12 Nutrition and Health

HFA4U explores the relationships between food, energy balance, and nutritional status; our nutritional needs at different stages of life; and the role of nutrition in health and disease. Throughout this course, students will evaluate nutrition-related trends and examine how food choices can promote food security and environmental responsibility. They will also learn about healthy eating, expand their repertoire of food-preparation techniques, and develop their social science research skills by investigating issues related to nutrition and health.

Grade 12 Indigenous Issues

In this Grade 12 Indigenous Studies (NDW4M) course, students will examine global issues from the perspectives of Indigenous peoples, investigating topics such as identity, social justice, human rights, spirituality, resilience, and advocacy for change. Students will draw on the depth and diversity of Indigenous cultures, traditions, and knowledge to consider how Indigenous communities around the world persevere despite current global political, social, and economic challenges.

Upgrading Courses

Upgrade Courses

Alternatively, if you got a lower mark in one of your required subjects for your university acceptance, you can take an Upgrade Course with OVS, and complete it quickly, to try and pull your mark up.

In an Upgrade course, all of the course material is available to you. However, you’re not required to watch all of the lessons, and depending on the course, you can hand in fewer assessments. For example, many of our Upgrade science courses make it so that lab assignments are optional, meaning you just need to complete the Unit Tests and Exams, and only do the labs if you want to attempt to raise your overall mark. You can move through an Upgrade course quickly, complete it in 21 days.

Some common Upgrade courses students take with us are: Grade 12 English (ENG4U) ,  Grade 12 Advanced Functions (MHF4U), Grade 12 Chemistry (SCH4U) andGrade 12 Biology (SBI4U).

Summer Courses for Future Grade 9 Students

Are you heading into Grade 9 this fall and looking to get ahead on your courses? OVS has a summer program where future Grade 9 students are able to take a few courses ahead of their Grade 9 year.

Perhaps you want to have a lighter course load during the school year, or you want to have an open slot for an elective you really want to take, or maybe you just love to learn and want to get ahead on your studies. Whatever the reason, here are some courses you can take before entering into Grade 9 in the fall:

Grade 9 De streaming English

Grade 9 English (ENL1W)

Throughout this course, students will be asked to analyze literary texts from both contemporary and historical periods, as well as interpret informational and graphic texts. Students will also have the opportunity to learn multiple strategies for effective communication through the creation of oral, written and media texts.


Grade 9 Art (AVI1O)

Throughout this course, students will apply various design elements and principles as they expand their creative process. They will also learn to critically reflect on and interpret art within personal, contemporary, and historical contexts.


Grade 9 French (FSF1D)

In this course, students will develop their skills in listening, speaking, reading, and writing by using language learning strategies introduced in the elementary Core French program, and will apply creative and critical thinking skills in various ways. 


Grade 10 Civics (GLC2O) and Careers (GLC2O)

Grade 10 Civics explores the rights and responsibilities associated with being an active citizen in a democratic society.

Grade 10 Careers encourages students to develop the skills, knowledge, and habits that will allow them to be successful in life after graduation. 

OVS5O: University Writing Preparation

If you’ve met all of your university requirements but want to do a little something over the summer to both help you prepare for university and keep you actively engaged in school and learning, then you can also take our free, non-credit course, OVS5O University Writing Preparation.

Regardless of your course program, university requires a lot of communication skill and writing. With this course, you’ll learn writing skills centre around the kind of assignments you’ll encounter in university, including essay writing and research papers.

So, if you want a light summer course to keep your mind engaged and help prepare you for university in the fall, this is a wonderful option.

Taking courses with OVS this summer can help you get a head start on your education!