As the school year comes to a close, there are important dates and information senior students and graduates should know. Also, for current and future high school students, you should take advantage of the summer programs OVS has to offer.
OUAC Deadlines

For current Grade 12 students who have applied and been accepted to a university program, you should be aware of your deadline for OUAC to submit your final grades.
The current deadline for final grades to be submitted to OUAC is July 4th.
Here at OVS, we have asked all student’s to have submitted their work at this point, to ensure that we can get your marks to OUAC in time. However, if you haven’t yet submitted your work, we urge you to do so as soon as possible so that we can upload your mark to OUAC promptly.
University Offers

Are you a recent graduate but you unfortunately didn’t receive an offer for the university you applied to? Or did you not apply to university for September but have now changed your mind and are looking for still open programs?
Don’t worry, it’s not too late! There are still many open programs that you can apply to in order to attend university in the fall or winter.
OVS can help you find open programs at a wide variety of schools. Make an appointment with one of our qualified counsellors to discuss your options!

Summer School Courses

Whether you’re going to a post-secondary school in the fall and need an additional credit to meet your admissions criteria or you’re a current high school student looking to lighten your course load for next semester, OVS operate courses throughout the summer that can help you get the credits you need.
OVS summer courses are structured in much the same way our courses operate during the school year. Your lessons are all recorded so you can watch them whenever you’d like around your schedule. You submit work according to your own timeline.
However, with a summer course, you can work at even more accelerate pace than our regular course. For a summer course, you can write your exam after 14 days, as long as you’ve completed all other work in the course, and can get your final report card after being enrolled for 21 days.
Here are some suggestions for courses you can take over the summer:

Perhaps you’re hoping to open up more elective options or lighten your course load for the next school year. By taking one of your compulsory English courses over the summer, you can leave space open in your day school schedule for an elective or a course you might need for your post-secondary applications.
Reach Ahead Courses

If you have just completed Grade 8 and are looking to get a jump start on high school, we have several courses you can take over the summer to help prepare you for your Grade 9 year.
OVS1O – Preparing for Grade 9 Math
This free non-credit course will allow you to review the mathematical concepts you learned in Grade 8 while slowly introducing some of the new skills you’ll need to succeed in Grade 9. Those this course doesn’t count for high school credit, it does come at no cost, and can be a great introduction to online learning for any student.
MTH1W – Grade 9 De-Streamed Math
Whether you complete the OVS1O free course or not, you can also take the standard for-credit Grade 9 math course we offer at OVS. Perhaps you excel at Math and you’re wanting to jump ahead and get the credit for high school so you can move on to more advanced math. Our course is a great way to move quickly and move ahead.
Alternatively, if math is something you struggle with, and you’re concerned you’ll have trouble with math in your day school, you can sign up in the summer for the course and work at whatever pace works well for you, taking your time to move through concepts and truly understand them, before moving forward. Plus, if you need more time than just the summer, you can continue to work on your course with us throughout the school year if needed.
Ontario College Pathways Series

If you’re heading into Grade 12 next September or recently graduated but haven’t made any post-secondary plans yet, then you might want to take a look at our College Pathways blog series. A lot of emphasis is put on students applying to university, which mean many website and informative resources offer plenty of information about different university options, but it can sometimes be hard to find consistent and clear answers regarding college options.
In our College Pathways series, we discuss programs such as Journalism and Engineering, we will continue to post more program options throughout the summer and into next school year.
Podcast and Social Media

As part of OVS’ mission to keep their students informed, we also have an ongoing Podcast series which talks about everything from adapting to education changes, offering study tips and tricks, and developing effective communication skills. We already have several episodes available on our website.
Along with our podcasts, and blogs, we also have an active social media presence to help keep our students informed, not just about our school, but education as a whole. One of our teachers, Alicia Cuzner, runs a TikTok account where she shares educational tips and important dates and deadlines.