Part I: 5 ways to get ahead this summer! Summer is fast approaching, and while you’re probably not running short of ideas for how to spend your two months of hard-earned freedom, it’s worth noting that summer break is also a great time to get ahead, both in your studies and in life! Here are 5 of the best ways to make this summer work for you!
- Take a course! Obviously the last thing you want to do is sit at a desk studying all summer, but with Ontario Virtual School, you don’t have to! Study from the park, the cottage, or even the beach! Still have elective credits to complete? Consider enrolling in Photography, Writer’s Craft, or Challenge and Change through OVS: you’ll be completing summer credits while still studying something that interests you!
- Become an intern! Know someone who works in your dream field? See if they’re looking for a summer intern! Interning can be a great way to see if the career of your dreams is really the career for you. The experience and skills you’ll acquire by immersing yourself in this kind of real-world environment will be well-worth the few hours per week you’ll be ‘giving up’ from your summer break.
- Work a paying job. With the money you earn over the summer working either full or part-time, you can accomplish a lot. Not only will you gain experience to list on your resume, you’ll also be learning valuable financial and life skills. Pro-tip: Start saving that money to put towards the cost of books, clothing, and other back-to-school necessities!
- Volunteer your time. Not interested in the daily time commitment of a paying job? Consider donating your time to a cause you care about instead! You’ll still be gaining professional experience to list on your resume, and you’ll feel good about making a positive impact in your community! Remember, just because you’re not getting paid for the work you do while volunteering, that doesn’t mean the skills you’re learning are worthless! Colleges and universities, and even workplaces down the line, will value candidates who show a willingness to seek out new opportunities for learning, regardless of the monetary reward attached to them.
- Do Your Research. No, I’m not tasking you with a summer research paper. I want you to really investigate the career you’re working towards! (Don’t have an ideal career in mind yet? All the more reason to do a little digging to find what motivates you!) I can virtually guarantee you (pun intended) that a quick online search will pull up dozens of articles and blog posts discussing various aspects of your future field. But don’t stop there! Research people who have the career you want. Look up your dream company on LinkedIn and cyber stalk its employees. See what skills and experiences come up on their profiles most often and start putting together an action plan for how you, too, can gain the kinds of skills and experiences that could ultimately land you your dream job! Doing this research early can help you evaluate whether you’re on the right path, and if you find that you’re missing necessary prerequisites or just want to upgrade your marks, OVS is here to help!
(6.) Find Your Balance. High school summers will be some of the best of your life, so whichever path to productivity you choose, be sure to also take some time to have fun, relax, and hang out with your friends! Summer is always short; it’s our job to make it sweet!
P.S. Check out Part II of this great summer series where we tackle how to write great resumes to get you that perfect summer job!