Midterm season is here! As we move towards the middle of second semester, midterms are fast approaching. For those student’s graduating this year and applying to OUAC, the deadlines for submitting midterm marks are coming up and it’s important for students to know when they have to have their work submitted to make sure their marks are ready in time.
OUAC Deadlines

OUAC’s next collection period began on March 18th and will end on April 25th. If you would like a midterm or final mark posted during this collection, please be sure to have all required work submitted for marking by April 17th. Once marked, please request a midterm/final mark through Gradebook. We will have your mark updated by the deadline.
Note that this is the last official submission period for midterm marks, but that midterms can be submitted outside of the deadline. While we cannot guarantee that schools will see midterm marks submitted past the deadline, OUAC will accept submissions past this date, and many universities will periodically check OUAC for midterm marks.
In order for us to access your OUAC profile in case of errors, you must add “Ontario Virtual School” as an additional school within the Academic Background section of your OUAC Account. Please review this video tutorial, starting at 3:15 for a step-by-step run-through of this process.
When adding OVS to your school, you must include the following info:
Start date: the month you started with OVS this year.
End date: 2024 06
Degree type: OSSD
Highest level of achievement: 12
**Be sure to save and submit changes once you have added OVS**
Student Spotlight

Maame Crentsil graduated with an OSSD from OVS while studying in Accra, Ghana. She was focused on a science pathway, completing Grade 12 Chemistry (SCH4U), Biology (SBI4U), and Physics (SPH4U). She also completed Grade 12 Advanced Functions (MHF4U), Calculus and Vectors (MCV4U) and Grade 12 English (ENG4U). She achieved high scores in all of her subjects.
We asked Maame a few questions about her experience with OVS.
Teacher Spotlight

OVS would like to welcome Mr. Simonitto.
He is one of our newest teachers and he will be teaching SPH4U Grade 12 Physics
We interviewed Mr. Simonitto so his students could get to know him a little better.
Understanding 2023-2024 Graduation Requirements

There have been a lot of changes in the Ontario curriculum, from de-streaming courses for Grade 9 students, requiring online credits, and the Ontario Literacy requirement.
With all of the changes it can be hard to keep track of exactly what is required to meet Ontario to earn the OSSD.
You can check out our blog, where we detail everything from required credits, to community involvement hours and more.