Getting To Know Your Teacher. Meet Mr. Simonitto

Andrew Simonitto


OVS would like to welcome Mr. Simonitto. He is one of our newest teachers and he will be teaching SPH4U Grade 12 Physics

We asked Mr. Simonitto a few questions so you can get to know you teacher a little better. 


First Off, Where Are You From And Where Did You Grow Up?
I grew up in Windsor Ontario all my life. Except for a brief stint where I moved to Darlington to work at a Nuclear Plant.


Where Did You Go For Post-Secondary And Your Teaching Degree? What Did You Study/Specialize In?
I completed my Honours Bachelor of Science Degree in Medical Physics with a Minor in Mathematics at the University of Windsor. I then went on to then get my Bachelor of
Education also at the University of Windsor.


University of Windsor


How Long Have You Been Teaching In Total? How Long Have You Taught With OVS?
I have worked as a Senior/Intermediate teacher for about 3 years now and I am just beginning my journey teaching with OVS!


When Did You Realize You Wanted to Become A Teacher?
I’ve wanted to be a teacher since I was a 15 year old lifeguard/swim instructor. The joy of teaching someone a new skill and sharing my knowledge was so rewarding that I wanted
to make it a career. 


Do You Prefer Teaching Online Or In A Classroom? How Do They Compare?
Teaching online and in a regular classroom is very different, but one thing I always do is help students understand what they need to learn. I like online teaching because it lets
students choose when they study, making it easier for them to learn in a way that works best for them. However, in the classroom I can build a better connection with the student.


What Are Some of Your Favourite Pastimes, Aside from Teaching?
I love to volunteer with after school sports such as soccer, wrestling, and the weight room. I also love to go to the gym on my own or I try to exercise in whatever way I can. Such as going for a walk, running, or a bike ride.


What Is the First Thing You Would Do Or Buy If You Won The Lottery?
I probably wouldn’t tell anyone and just go about my life normally. It would be nice to have the peace of mind and not have to worry about money. But like I said, I like my job
and what I do so nothing would really change.


If You Couldn’t Be a Teacher, What Career Would You Most Like To Have?
I most likely would have gone into the trades, probably would have tried to be an Electrician. I find circuits fascinating and enjoy learning and problem solving.


What Is Your Favourite TV Show?
How I met your mother.


What’s One Fun Fact About You That Your Students Might Not Expect?

I’ve gone canyon swinging in New Zealand.


What Is One Piece Of Advice You Would Like To Share With Your OVS Students?
One piece of advice I’d like to share with OVS students is to embrace curiosity. Don’t be afraid to ask questions, explore new ideas, and seek understanding. Curiosity is a
powerful tool for learning and personal growth. Stay curious, be open-minded, and enjoy the journey of discovering new things.


“If you do what you love, you’ll never work a day in your life” – Marc Anthony