Ontario College Pathways: Engineering

Ontario College Pathways: Engineering - Header
Photo Credit: ThisIsEngineering via Pexels

Engineering is an ever growing and incredibly popular field of study. Those who enjoy looking at the world around them and trying to figure out the mechanics behind how things work will feel particularly drawn to it. Engineering has several different branches to it, allowing students a wide variety of focused disciplines to choose from.

However, many people think that to be an Engineer, a university degree is required which is something that isn’t easily accessible to everyone. Some people interested in engineering do better with hands on practical courses than they do with theory, so a college program would be a better option to help them reach their career goals.

Which ever branch of engineering appeals to you, there are several college pathways that you can take to help you with your future career.

Manufacturing Engineering

Ontario College Pathways: Engineering - Manufacturing
Photo Credit: Kateryna Babaieva via Pexels

Manufacturing Engineering focuses on designing, implementing, and maintain manufacturing systems and processes.  This field of study is for those students who enjoying looking at the big picture of how the machines in an organization function to produce high quality and economically competitive products. Here are just few potential College programs you can attend in Ontario to acquire a degree in this type of engineering:

Mechanical Engineering

Ontario College Pathways: Engineering - Mechanical
Photo Credit: Mikhail Niolov via Pexels

Mechanical Engineering is about developing, designing, and analyzing machine parts and mechanical systems. This type of engineering focuses on breaking down big machines into smaller parts, learning how each part is built and used, and then maintaining and/or improving those machines overall. Below is a list of some college programs if your interest lies, not in the big picture, but in the smaller nuanced details:

Chemical Engineering

Ontario College Pathways: Engineering - Chemical
Photo Credit: ThisIsEngineering via Pexels

Electrical Engineering focuses on the design and application of equipment, devices and systems that use electricity. If Civil Engineering is essentially about the ‘bones’ of our world, then Electrical Engineering is like the nervous system of our world and those that study in this field dive deep into understanding how electricity functions and keeps the world around us moving. For some information on Electrical Engineering programs in Ontario, check out these links:

Civil Engineering

Ontario College Pathways: Engineering - Civil
Photo Credit: Pixabay via Pexels

Civil Engineering students will learn about the design, construction and maintenance of physical structures. This discipline is essential to creating the world around us, from necessary infrastructures like roads and bridges, to the buildings we live and work in. There are many great colleges you can attend in Ontario that will teach you all about Civil Engineering:

Electrical Engineering

Ontario College Pathways: Engineering - Electrical
Photo Credit: ThisIsEngineering via Pexels

Electrical Engineering focuses on the design and application of equipment, devices and systems that use electricity. If Civil Engineering is essentially about the ‘bones’ of our world, then Electrical Engineering is like the nervous system of our world and those that study in this field dive deep into understanding how electricity functions and keeps the world around us moving. For some information on Electrical Engineering programs in Ontario, check out these links:

Computer Engineering

Ontario College Pathways: Engineering - Computer
Photo Credit: ThisIsEngineering via Pexels

Computer Engineering is a combination of electrical engineering and computer science with a focus on the interaction between hardware and software in computer systems. Within our modern society, technology is as vital as breathing to some, so those that understand the language of computers and wish to build programs that enhance our everyday interactions with them are not only needed but they are crucial. For students who might be interested in this type of engineering, here are a few college options you might want to look at:

Biomedical Engineering

Ontario College Pathways: Engineering - Biomedical
Photo Credit: ThisIsEngineering via Pexels

Biomedical Engineering is the design and application of medical equipment and devices in the healthcare sector. This field of study combines the knowledge of the natural system of the human body and the artificial machines and tools used to help. Students in this field can learn everything from how to repair vital medical equipment, to the information on the creation and development of prosthetics and artificial organs. For some college options for this program, check out the links below:

OVS and Engineering

The first step to a future career is getting accepted into a college program. No matter the individual type of engineering you might be interested in, there are a few core courses required by most programs.


ENG4C: Grade 12 College English

While engineering is predominately about math and science, having the skills needed to effectively communicate ideas and knowledge is just as important.

Grade 12 College English seeks to consolidate the literacy and communication skills, as well as the critical and creative thinking skills, necessary for success in both academic and daily life.



MCT4C: Grade 12 Mathematics for College Technology

This course is either recommended or required by most college engineering programs. It builds on skills learned from grade 11, helping to create a deep foundation of mathematical knowledge that will serve students well in their college programs.


SPH4C: Grade 12 College Physics

In order to take this course, students only need have completed Grade 10 science. However, this course is a requirement by most engineering programs, as physics is applied to all types of engineering disciplines.

Students will learn basic concepts in physics, including motion, electricity, magnetism and energy transformation.

Alternative Math (to MCT4C)

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MAP4C: Grade 12 Foundations for College Mathematics

This course won’t be accepted by every engineering program; however, it can be used as an alternative to MCT4C in some cases. This course is a great option if math maybe isn’t your strongest subject but you still have a desire to join an engineering program.




MCR3U: Grade 11 University Functions

Some college programs will accept Grade 11 University Math in place of a Grade 12 Math course. Taking this in Grade 11, can help free up some time in Grade 12 for other course or other extra-curricular programs.

Discipline Specific Courses

While English, Math and Physics are required by almost every form of Engineering, different disciplines while have more requirements in other subject areas. Here are a few courses OVS offers that could help you get that college acceptance.

No matter what type of Engineering program you might be interested in, you can get the courses you need to apply to college through OVS, and take one of many college pathways to your future career.