Ontario College Pathways: Journalism

Ontario College Pathways: Journalism
Photo Credit: Cottonbro via Pexels

Journalism today looks very different than it has in the past. People use to get access to news and information only through printed newspaper or journals, the radio, or television. In this day and age though, it’s easier than ever for people to access information about the world around them. While newspapers and journals are still printed, they are also available online, easily within reach. However, with modern technology, it can also be difficult for people to sort out fact from fiction and find reliable and accurate information.

That is why it is essential to have trusted news sources in the world, and people trained to provide information in a clear, organized, and unbiased manner. With modern journalism, journalists are not only trained on how to do informed research and write, but also on the use of technology and various media platforms.

Whether you have an interest in writing, media or other broadcast journalism as a potential future career, there are some wonderful college programs that can help provide you with the training you need to be successful.

Algonquin College

Algonquin College

Algonquin College offers a two-year Ontario College Diploma program. Along with classes taught by industry-connected professionals, they also offer practical hands-on experience by having their Journalism students become staff member with their college paper the Algonquin Times, and also work on their other publication Glue magazine.

Humber College


Humber College has a three-year Advanced Diploma program that is designed to teacher students to operate in a variety of careers such as reporters, broadcasters, editors and more. Part of their program involves working with industry partners on journalism projects through the Humber StoryLab.

Durham College

Durham College

Students can get a two-year Ontario College Diploma in Journalism- Mass Media, through Durham College. In this program, students will spend their first-year learning core journalism skills that can be applied to any career avenue. In second year, students will then begin learning about creating journalism for all media platforms, including print, online, social media, broadcast, and podcast programs.

Centennial College

For those students with a specific interested in sports journalism, Centennial College offers a 1-year Ontario College Graduate Certificate program. Before students can apply to this program, they must have a previous post-secondary program or degree. This graduate program will help prepare students for a career in sports media and will assist students in developing specialized skills is sports writing, broadcasting, and media production.

Some other notable Journalism programs can be found at Seneca, Conestoga, and Sheridan. For other programs, you can check out the Ontario College Application Centre information page.  

Journalism and OVS

Before you can attend a college program to get the training you need to become a journalist, you first need to have developed some fundamental skills and knowledge in your high school careers. At OVS, we offer several courses that can help with your application to these programs.

Grade 12 College English

Grade 12 English (ENG4C) is a requirement for graduation in Ontario, and is also a requirement for entry into every college journalism program.

This course seeks to consolidate the literacy and communication skills, as well as the critical and creative thinking skills, necessary for success in both academic and daily life.  

This course helps create a solid foundation in communication skills that will serve students well as they continue to develop their writing skills in college.

Grade 12 Communications Technology

Grade 12 Communications Technology (TGJ4M) enables students to further develop media knowledge and skills while designing and producing projects in the areas of live, recorded, and graphic communications. 

In the digital age, journalists need to be well versed and all variety of media and technology. This course provides students will basic skills in various media production types, which will allow them to do well in their future college courses in similar subjects.

Grade 12 Writer’s Craft

Grade 12 Writer’s Craft (EWC4U) seeks to develop the student’s existing knowledge and skills related to the art of writing. Throughout the various units of this course, students will: analyze models of effective writing; adopt a workshop approach to produce a range of works; identify techniques required for specialized forms of writing; and use a variety of methods to improve the overall quality of their writing.

While this course is offered at the university level, it can absolutely still be used as part of a college application.


Grade 12 Indigenous Studies

This course may not seem like an obvious choice for a student interested in journalism. However, a large part of Canadian history, news and media, revolves around Indigenous people. As a journalist, it is essential to learn and understand information through a variety of perspectives.  

Grade 12 Indigenous Studies (NDW4M) students will examine global issues from the perspectives of Indigenous peoples. Students will draw on the depth and diversity of Indigenous cultures, traditions, and knowledge to consider how Indigenous communities around the world persevere despite current global political, social, and economic challenges.

So, if you’re a current high school student with a strong interest in a career in journalism, OVS has several courses that can help you get there and attend the college program that fits your needs.