How OVS Helps Support High Performance Athletes With Their Education

Being a high-performance athlete require intense training, focus, and dedication. When you’re still in high school, you also have the added stress of classes, studying, and passing your exams. Doing both can be overwhelming, and often students find themselves either struggling in school or having a hard time maintaining their training for their sport.
With OVS, students don’t have to give anything up and can succeed in both their academics and their athletics. Students can customize their education to fit their needs, giving them more freedom to pursue their goals.

Understanding Business and Finance: High School Courses to Help You Succeed

Whether your interested in a career in business or finance, starting your own company or brand, or just want to get a better understanding of how to navigate your own finances, there are many courses you can take at the high school level to help you learn about the world of business and finance.
At OVS, we have several courses at different grade levels that students can take to help in all different areas of the business world.

Balancing Academics and Athletics

One of the most difficult parts of being a young athlete is finding the balance between athletics and academics. With all the time spent practicing or at games and events, not to mention the travelling and logistics, it can be tough to find enough time to dedicate to your academic life. Here at Ontario Virtual School, we have many student athletes, and we’re dedicated to supporting them

Podcast S4 Ep 1. Ai Vs. Machine Learning & Toronto Metropolitan University

In this episode, podcast host and Ontario Virtual School teacher Alicia Cuzner explains the difference between machine learning and artificial intelligence, diving into their current applications, potential future developments, and how they may appear at schools. The episode also includes a Post Secondary School Spotlight with Toronto Metropolitan University (TMU), offering a look at their

Benefits to Hybrid Online Learning

In the last several years, many students have adopted a hybrid approach to their high school education. This means that while they still attend a traditional physical school for at least some of their courses, they also take some courses through online schooling options. Students and families who are not familiar with this model may be surprised, but there are many reasons students decide to turn to online schooling, while still attending a regular physical school.

4 Tips for Test Taking

Many students dread test day, and it’s easy to understand why. Tests are important, and students may feel that they just aren’t good at “test taking.” Test anxiety can indeed be a significant challenge, but it doesn’t have to be overwhelming. With a few tips, students can ease their anxiety and make writing a test much less intimidating.

The mental health of children is not an in person vs remote learning conversation

Pretending that in class high school, circa 2019 was a panacea that we must return to if we are to restore “the perfect” mental health of students, is simply not true for millions of students globally. The “one size fits all” model benefits some students, but has historically been detrimental to others. Today we have

OUAC Collection is Now Open for 2022-23 Applicants!

OUAC’s first collection period for 2022 applicants is now open for first semester midterms and any finals achieved in Grade 11 or 12 courses.

Save the Date: University Fairs!

Are you planning to apply to university in 2022? Then be sure to mark your calendar for the Ontario Universities’ Fairs happening this fall!

Introducing Guidance Appointments!

Students can now schedule one-on-one appointments with our head of guidance to discuss pathway or graduation concerns over the phone!

Introducing Grade 7 & 8 Courses

OVS now offers Grade 7 & 8 courses! Click to learn more about our middle school program!

February 2025 Newsletter

February is ending and March is fast approaching, which means students are well and truly into their second semester of the school year (for those in semester-based institutions).

OVS is hard as work, not only recruiting new partnerships and students, but also ensuring our current students are well aware of their approaching post-secondary deadlines.

December 2024 Newsletter

As we head into this holiday season, it is important to reflect on the past, while also making plans for the year ahead.

It is incredibly important to make sure our students are prepared for the remainder of the school year, especially our senior students, and ensuring that they are aware of college and university deadlines.

November 2024 Newsletter

As we head into winter and the start of the holiday season, it’s important that while students are looking forward to taking a school break, there are important deadlines and dates they need to keep in mind for after the holidays.