As the saying goes, “all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.” Balance and adventure are fundamental parts of our inner nature. So, when school or work take over, the inner self can quickly become lost. After all, the inner self desires many things other than work or homework for good reason. Sometimes, this loss of self can build to a point where you may say to yourself, “I’m bored”, or others may even begin to describe you as “boring.”
Of course, the concept of balance, itself, is up for interpretation. This is where discovery comes into play. In order to achieve balance in your life, you must first understand your commitments. Once you have a solid grasp of what is necessary, you can begin designating time to focus on your inner self – your well-being.
It is important to schedule this time as a regular occurrence, whether that is 30 minutes each day or a particular day each week. This time should be seen as “down time” or “creative time”. It might include: preparing food, partaking in your favourite fitness routine or activity, going for a walk outside, socializing with friends, reading a book or working on an artistic project just for the sake of it – even something as simple as getting up to stretch and re-focus can be counted as part of this delicate balancing act to continually revitalize your inner self.
What activities do you do to balance out your daily regimen of school and work? Do you feel you make enough time for these “just because” moments?
Cheryl Millett
Holistic Nutritionist & Practitioner – Mind & Body
Parent of OVS student
[email protected]