![Seize the Summer Blog 2](https://www.ontariovirtualschool.ca/wp-content/uploads/Seize-the-Summer-Blog-2.jpg)
You can make this summer a brilliant time to succeed academically, putting yourself in a great position when you return to school in September. By using veteran e-Learning providers like the Ontario Virtual School (OVS), you can complete courses in as little as 4 weeks, allowing you to pursue credits at your own pace.
![Seize the Summer and Earn Credits Through OVS](https://www.ontariovirtualschool.ca/wp-content/uploads/Rezied-Blog.jpg)
At OVS, we have been perfecting our e-Learning methods for the past decade. We’ve got the experience and the technology to provide comprehensive e-Learning programs to students all over the world. We offer Ontario Secondary School Diploma (OSSD) virtual high school courses, and we’re inspected by the Ontario Ministry of Education, so you know that you’re getting the highest possible level of academic instruction.
An online learning environment is a little different from a conventional classroom, so students will need to adapt. Fortunately, all of OVS’s teachers are certified by the Ontario College of Teachers (OCT), and are available to impart personalized assistance. Once they’re used to it, a lot of students prefer virtual study. Since they can learn at their own pace, by approaching learning strategically, they can leave behind the standard school day and work smarter, not longer.
Consider the Benefits
Learning remotely can have overwhelming benefits, as students in classrooms are often left fatigued, with their focus shot through long school hours, ruining their ability to learn and retain information. OVS has a decade’s worth of experience in delivering e-Learning solutions, so we have loads of information on how to maximize your productivity working from home.
Things as simple as designating a specific place in your home as a study-area can have a huge impact on your productivity, and keeping your work space and study space separate will also allow you to better enjoy your relaxation time. This is especially helpful during the summer, when siblings and parents are all sharing the same space at home.
Despite the change in the environment, remote learning still requires students to stay diligent. Students need to stay organized, stick to schedules and deadlines, and ask questions of their teachers if they want to succeed. You can read about some of our recommended strategies in our 10 study tips.
The single biggest thing to remember is that as an e-learning student, you are responsible for your own success. This imparts a sense of responsibility and control that will serve you in the future in both higher education and life.
Preparing for the New Normal
It looks like working remotely will be the future of work in many industries. From Twitter to Canada’s oil and gas sector, more businesses are making work-from-home policies permanent. Getting acquainted with this new way of life is vital for everyone, and it’s good for students to get a head start.
At OVS, we’re dedicated to helping students hone their skills in key disciplines like mathematics and digital literacy.
We also take a holistic approach to students’ well-being, which will impart the essential skills to cope with the stresses
of the rapidly changing world.
![Seize the Summer Blog](https://www.ontariovirtualschool.ca/wp-content/uploads/Seize-the-Summer-Blog.jpg)
Prep Material for Grade 8 Grads
We offer free high school preparation material for grade 8 grads. Previously called High School 101, it has now been divided into separate courses based on subject. These courses aim to give students the skills and academic support for a smooth transition to high school. They cover everything from Developing Effective Learning Skills, Digital Literacy, High School Math Preparation, and Supporting Mental Health.
Students will learn through video narration, interactive multimedia elements, varied assessments, and evaluations. They will also get personalized access to our amazing OCT-certified teachers. Throughout the course, students will gain both the social and academic skills needed for success in high school.
Seize the Opportunity
Despite the disruption and stress to education that has been caused by COVID, there are still great opportunities for students to continue their education. In fact, many students may find that they prefer the freedom that e-learning can bring. This is particularly the case for those with demanding extracurriculars, such as athletes, that are poorly served by traditional schooling.
Regardless of whether you want to utilize e-Learning solutions full time, or if you’re simply using the summer to get some necessary course credits, OVS has the tools, experience, and technology to help you succeed. With the right organizational strategy, you can complete a course in just four weeks, and do it within your own schedule, rather than being locked into a full-time grind.
You can make the summer productive, and lay solid foundations for the rest of your educational journey — whether you’re entering high school next year, getting the necessary credits for university, or preparing for the workplace.
Whatever your educational needs, OVS has you covered!