Students learn in a wide variety of ways, yet the majority of school systems teach students the same way they’ve taught for hundreds of years. For Danieul Uhre, the rigid schedule of schooling at his typical day school didn’t align with his learning style. That is why he decided to enroll with Ontario Virtual School.
As a full-time student with OVS, Danieul has complete control over his study schedule. He can spend as much time as he likes on any particular part of a class, taking more time on things he finds difficult, and less time on things he finds simple. And, since OVS is entirely online, Danieul was able to study his Ontario curriculum courses from his home in Trinidad and Tobago, more than 4,000 kilometers away!
We asked Danieul a few questions about his experience with OVS, and he was kind enough to provide us with the following responses:
What are you currently doing academically, and what are your plans for after you graduate?
Due to COVID, OVS has become my full-time school. After graduating from OVS, I would like to go to Canada to study business.
What courses have you taken with OVS?
Functions and Applications, Designing Your Future Career, Health for Life, and English (all Grade 11)
What factors influenced your decision to enroll with OVS?
When I left my day-school, OVS was not only the first online school that was recommended to me, but the most highly recommended.
How does your experience with OVS compare to your experience with other schools?
The courses are set up very similar to how they were in my last school. Through the help of a course like Designing Your Future Career (GWL3O), it really made me think about what direction I wanted to head in post-secondary and what had to be done to get myself there.
What have been your favourite parts of learning with OVS?
It is a user-friendly way of learning. [It] gives you the ability to work at your own pace and time, which is perfect if the normal school curriculum moved a little too quickly. It has really allowed me to put in 110% and improve my grades.
Do you find any parts of learning with OVS easier than learning with other schools?
OVS does a fantastic job in making learning a lot less stressful. It allows me to go over everything I need to know before moving on, and has made test writing, something I have always struggled with, a bit easier as I have no set deadlines to follow.
Do you have any advice for people who may be considering online learning?
Make sure you are disciplined enough before giving it your full attention. If you are like me and struggle with school in general, OVS gives you a great platform to work wherever you see fit and get things done on your own time. You must manage your time wisely.
Do you have anything else you would like to add?
So far, the time I have been with OVS has been an amazing experience. It has made schooling a lot easier for me and has allowed me to show my full potential as a student.