Elijah Hamayun is a Grade 10 student from Saudi Arabia. Like many high school students, he is already thinking ahead and considering his post-secondary options. Elijah has dreams of going to university and wants to make sure that he will be accepted at his schools of choice. That’s why Elijah was very excited when he learned he could study Ontario Virtual School.
The Ontario Secondary School Diploma (OSSD) is well-respected by colleges and universities around the world, and Ontario Virtual School allows students to earn an OSSD from anywhere in the world, including Saudi Arabia.
“I am hoping to complete Grades 10-12 and be able to earn an OSSD. This would be amazing as who would have ever thought that someone in SA can earn a Canadian high school diploma from anywhere around the world. OVS makes this possible. I am excited to complete the OSSD and apply to top quality university as I will have a top quality OSSD.”
Knowing it would help open doors in the future, Elijah enrolled with OVS, beginning with six Grade 10 courses, and one Grade 11 elective, including English, Science, Math, Careers, Civics, History, and World Religion. Once Elijah started his courses with OVS, he found more advantages, beyond just earning an OSSD, noting that the independent nature of the courses helped him practice independent study habits, while the flexible schedules still allowed him to take things at his own pace, which made lessons easier to understand.
“OVS is the perfect way to study online. It has prepared me very well and made me confident in my self. Easy anytime lessons and understanding teachers make it much better than my day school. Online studying can lead to many opportunities so try not to miss them.”
Elijah has been doing very well in his courses so far, and plans to continue all the way through Grade 12, so he can graduate with his Ontario Secondary School Diploma, and use it to help earn acceptance to some of the world’s top universities. From seeing his work, all of us here at OVS are confident that he will continue to do well in the future, and we are very proud to have been part of his academic journey.