Stephen had always wanted to attend university in Canada, but his father’s job required their family to move around, living in the Caribbean and France. As such, Stephen decided to pursue his high school education online with OVS, so that he could earn and OSSD while living in another country.
The recorded video lessons meant he didn’t have to worry about the time difference, and allowed him to go back and re-watch lessons as often as needed for him to review material. His parents enjoyed being able to use the parent portal, where they could keep track of Stephen’s progress in his courses and help him where needed. Stephen found that he was able to focus on his studies and connect with his teachers when needed for extra support.
During his Grade 12 year, Stephen took a heavy academic course load including English (ENG4U), Chemistry (SCH4U), Biology (SBI4U), Advanced Functions (MHF4U), Calculus and Vectors (MCV4U) and Physics (SPH4U).
With the flexibility of the OVS program Stephen was able to achieve high grades in all of his subjects.
He graduated from OVS in June of 2023 and is currently attending Concordia University in Montreal.