The summer before heading away to college or university is a busy time for many students. You’ve just completed a major milestone of graduating from high school, you’re trying to make time to see your friends and family before you might be moving away for school, all while planning what your next school year will look like.
At the same time, you may have discovered you’re missing a prerequisite course you need for your post-secondary admissions, or perhaps you didn’t get the grade you were expecting in a course and now need to raise it to meet your offer of acceptance. Trying to fit in another course on top of everything else can be daunting.
However, with Ontario Virtual School’s flexible online program, you can complete a course while still finding time to balance everything else going on in your life. You can finish a summer course with OVS in as little as 21 days, and get your mark sent to both OUAC, OCAS or directly to your university before the end of summer.
Commonly Required Grade 12 University Courses
There are some core classes that are required by many university programs. These main subjects are essential to getting accepted and completing requirements for conditional offers. Most programs will give students until mid to late summer to take or retake courses to meet their conditional offers or requirements.
Grade 12 University English (ENG4U) is not only a required subject for high school graduation, but is a requirement for almost every university program, from humanities, to sciences and beyond. This course teaches students not only about literature and poetry, but also useful skills like essay writing and grammar. Which is why it’s a requirement by most universities in Canada, so getting this credit and earning a high grade is important for your acceptances.
Grade 12 Advanced Functions (MHF4U) and Grade 12 Calculus and Vectors (MCV4U) may not be requirements for humanities or artistic programs, but if you’re interested in the world of engineering, computer science, health sciences, other science related programs and even some business programs, these two math courses are commonly required. Both courses build on subjects already learned in early high school math, but also help you to create a strong foundation for more complex mathematics in your university program.
Commonly Require Grade 11 and 12 College Courses
Just like with university, for students attending a college, they still need to meet prerequisite requirements in order to be accepted to their college program. However, college requirements can be a little different and don’t always require Grade 12 courses, but sometimes Grade 11 subjects instead.
For example, the Computer Science program at Seneca College requires students have Grade 12 English at either the College or University level, and Mathematics Grade 12 at the College or University level or Grade 11 Mathematics at the University or Mixed level. These are the same requirements for Centennial College’s Business program, and for Industrial Design at Humber College.
So, while college programs can be a little more flexible in their required courses, there are still some common subjects across different majors that students will need. If you weren’t able to complete the course during the school year, or didn’t get the grade you needed, you can still take it with OVS in time for the start of the fall semester.
Grade 12 College English (ENG4C), helps students not only develop their writing skills, but learn to interact with different types of literary media, such as short stories, writing for advertising and digital media, as well as learning to create cover letters and resumes.
Now, for those college programs that require math, there are several courses to choose from that cover different subjects within math, and students have options that suit their needs.
Grade 11 Functions (MCR3U) teaches students about linear and quadratic relations as well as exponential functions and trigonometry. This course is also the foundational course for students who might want to take some of the more advanced math courses in Grade 12.
Grade 11 Functions and Applications (MCF3M) while this course teaches many of the same general ideas as MCR3U, rather than focusing on theory it leans more towards real world applications.
Grade 12 Mathematics for Data Management (MDM4U) is a great course for students who are interested in the world of business or economics. It focuses on statistics and probability which can be applied to not just business but also social sciences and humanities.
Grade 12 Foundations for College Mathematics (MAP4C) teaches students algebra and trigonometry as well as budgeting and finances, and gives students the tools to use this knowledge for real-world applications.
Grade 12 Mathematics for College Technology (MCT4C) focuses on polynomial, exponential and trigonometric functions, using a combination of theory and real-world applications.
With college programs requirements, students have more options to choose from to meet their requirements, and can choose the course that works best for them.
Regardless of your intention to go to college or university, OVS can help you get the credits you need to meet your application requirements and conditional offers before the start of the fall term.